Sunday, October 15, 2023

A Cloudy Day For An Eclipse

We were excited about the eclipse. My teen daughter loves that sort of thing and even woke up early enough to witness it. You know she's intrigued if she wakes up before 1 on a weekend. 

We couldn't find eclipse glasses though. Luckily my mom was generous and ordered a pack on Amazon so she shared. (I later found out that places like Walmart, QT, and Five Below sold them a few days before the event.)

It was a cloudy day so we were worried we wouldn't see much. But occasionally the clouds would part. First it was super bright:

Here's what it looked like with the glasses over the lens:

The clouds would come in and out:

Skoggy the frog was out watching too:

It was a pretty neat experience. My son in college was able to see the eclipse as well. 

And here's what we saw with the glasses:

There's another eclipse coming in April so we'll be watching that as well. 

So did you get to see the eclipse?


  1. Wish we could have seen it! We only knew about the eclipse when it was over lol.

  2. No, I didn’t even know about it until I put on the news and saw the weather guy talking about it. But it has been raining every weekend here in NYC.

  3. I completely forgot to look out for the eclipse. Thank's for the photo's At least I saw it here.

  4. You got some great pics! Sadly it was too cloudy here to see it.

  5. Nope didn't see any eclipse but then I didn't now about it

  6. We were so excited for the eclipse, but the weather didn't cooperate. =( Thansk for sharing those photos!

  7. Never saw an eclipse before but I sure wish I have the chance to witness the different natural phenomenons!

  8. That looks like such a great time. I have never really experienced this myself but have always wanted to. I think one time we even got all of the gear ready and then forgot! It is so silly to me how much I would love to experience it but how terrible I have been at planning it this far, maybe someday. Until then, it has been cool seeing your experience, thanks for sharing!

  9. I forgot all about this to be honest, but I can say I have seen it once in my lifetime. It was pretty cool. Loving all your images

  10. Although, if you don't have the right glasses or an eclipse box, another fun way to view an eclipse is to observe the shadows of leaves on the ground, it has the prettiest effect!

  11. Honestly I have forgotten about the eclipse until it was all over. So I can not say that I saw it or not.

  12. This blog beautifully captures the mystique of an eclipse, reminding us that even hidden by clouds, the cosmos' magic still shines through.

  13. We had a partial eclipse but it was cloudy so I didn't even try to look. -LYNNDEE

  14. So sad I forgot about it and did not see it. So glad you did!

  15. It was quite cloudy here and we were busy with a lot of other stuff going on. You still were able to catch some of it well!

  16. What an amazing experience it was to see the eclipse through your pictures! Thank you so much for sharing

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