Monday, January 15, 2024

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

HEY, IT'S OKAY.... not appreciate the cold that Texas is having. People were panicking since it was dropping below freezing, which is comical to me as we lived in Wyoming for like 5 years. They cannot believe school is in session when it's below freezing either. have gone to watch Mean Girls with Natalie and I enjoyed it. The original is better, but I liked how this was set in the era of Tik Tok and such. It brought a fun aspect. need to start setting up for Valentine's Day. I've already started purchasing chocolate, which is dumb, because I've already started eating it, so there's no way it'll last until Valentine's Day. be excited that there is going to be a Mandalorian & Grogu movie. (Read about it here.) I just love Grogu so of course I'll be watching. love this sweatshirt that I found on the ShopByBravo store. Can you name the show where the quote is from? Confused? Check out The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills. Sutton says it to Kyle when Kyle accuses her of acting ridiculous in many situations and Sutton asks her to "name 'em" several times. I admit, I watch too much reality TV, but I try to make up for it by reading many books. 

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  1. I have seen the trailer for the new Mean Girls movie and it looks fun! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I don't watch movies very often and lately I don't watch much TV either preferring to watch YouTube on my tablet or playing find a word on the tablet much more relaxing for me at this time

  3. We had the bad cold spell last week. It was 14 degrees in the morning!

  4. I'm glad to hear you liked Mean Girls. I would like to see it, but I'm thinking it's not going to be better than the original. I really love the original.

  5. I missed that there is a new Mean Girls out! I actually thought it was the old one but it theaters. Sounds fun!

  6. Absolutely agree with you on the Texas cold panic! Having lived in colder climates, it's amusing to see the reactions!

  7. That definitely is a pretty sweatshirt! The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is just iconic!

  8. The weather has been AWFUL here in Indiana so I feel you on not appreciating it, haha. And that sweatshirt is super cute! :)

  9. The cold snap was crazy here in DFW. We got a little bit of snow from lake effect is what they called it. The moisture from lakes caused the snow. I dunno but we do have a few lakes around here. They canceled school on Tuesday. Was it necessary, probably not but I think they were trying to help take the load off the power grid. Not all districts closed Tuesday. Monday so happened to be a school holiday.

  10. I have not yet watched the new Mean Girls (i know) nor the Grogu movie (i love Grogu). so this holiday season, i need to fix that by watching the first one with my daughter and the second one with my son!


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