Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Prom Dress Options At LaceMade

Prom season approaches!

At my daughter's school, it's just for seniors. She's a junior and is hoping a senior friend will take her as a guest. I think it's wishful thinking as I think her senior friends all have dates. But she is keeping her fingers crossed just in case. 

Regardless if she goes or not, she still loves the dresses from Lacemade. I've written about them before: they are a company with cottagecore clothes. From dresses to jackets to skirts--there is something for everyone. You can even save $5 when you click here to shop.

Natalie's latest is called the Aurora Dress and she wore it on Valentine's Day:

It's beautiful with amazing floral details:

Natalie said it was a little itchy in the center and next time she'd wear a slip to help with that:

Yes, the dress has excellent twirlability:

If pink isn't your color, no worries, there are tons of other options on Lacemade. Yes, there's even plus sizes if interested. Any of these dresses would be a fabulous choice for prom.

Remember, you save save $5 by clicking here

We'll see if Natalie gets to go to prom this year. If not, she'll be a senior in 2025 and will get to attend that one. 

Have you checked out Lacemade yet?


  1. Such a pretty dress, we don't have proms here just thought I would throw that in here

  2. Your daughter's dress is so pretty & I love the color! The style reminds me of a Victorian-type dress. Have fun at prom!

  3. I so love this dress. She found a nice dress for the prom.

  4. That dress is so her!! I love all the flower details, its pink and of course its twirly.

  5. That dress is so pretty and no one will have a dress like hers when she goes! I adore her style and she looks so lovely!

  6. I've never heard of Lacemade. It sounds like a lovely place to go shopping for dresses. It can be tough to find things locally, and many times you end up with a dress twin :)

  7. The dress looks good on your daughter. I hope she would be able to wear it to an event.

  8. That dress is beautiful. I love the small details in the top. I hope she can go with her friends.

  9. Even though my daughter is a junior and might not attend prom this year, she's still excited about the beautiful dresses from Lacemade. The Aurora Dress that Natalie wore on Valentine's Day looks absolutely stunning with its floral details.

  10. What a pretty dress! The details on this dress are unique and I love her necklace.

  11. That dress looks great on her. I just checked out their site. There's lots of beautiful pieces.

  12. Natalie's tastes are !.. love everything about this dress - the color, the details, the twirl factor..

  13. I haven't ordered from this company but that does look so lovely. I might need to use them when my girls need prom dresses.

  14. It is a pretty dress. I hope she gets to go but if not, it'll make next year that much sweeter.

  15. Such a beautiful prom dress! Love the color and design! Your daughter looks so beautiful wearing it!

  16. Natalie looks stunning in that Aurora dress.

  17. she looks so amazing in her prom dress, I love the color and the design fix her prefectly.

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