Sunday, January 19, 2025

Things That Should Be Banned Before TikTok

So, okay, that was a fun weekend. 

TikTok was banned.

First I got this message:

Then this one, which made me want to gag a bit:

And then like 10 hours later, TikTok was back:

It was like whiplash trying to figure out what was happening. At first they were saying it would go dark at 830 PM EST. That time came and went and it was still working. Then suddenly at around midnight EST it finally went dark. But people were posting, "it's staying!" and then "nevermind!" and then "oh, it's not being banned!" and I was like !!!!!!!

But anyhow, as I said, it's back.

However, if it goes away again, here are things that I feel should be banned before TikTok:

1. Cybertrucks. They are the ugliest things and I know it's wrong, but I always assume the people who drive them are douchebags. 

2. Surcharges when you buy stuff online. Look, if I buy movie tickets, do not add a convenience fee on top of that. I even get one when I add money to my daughter's lunch account. 

3. People who film stuff when the movie is on in movie theaters. Put your phone away. I'll tell you do it, I find I'm getting crankier as I age. I'm not about to pay $15 per ticket PLUS A CONVENIENCE fee to be distracted by the light on your phone. I don't care if you're sharing a specific scene on TikTok. Tell your audience to go see the movie like the rest of us. 

4. Vaping. It's just gross. I hate when smoke gets blown in my face. Sure it might smell like cotton candy, but I'm sorry, I like my lungs healthy and pink. (Cigarettes can go as well, of course.)

5. Trump. The person. The clothes. The dance that looks like the person doing it is having a stroke. Everything about him can just go. Thanks.

6. People who don't use their turn signals. It's so easy to do. Flick your wrist. When cars try to squeeze in front of me without a signal, I won't let them in. If there is a signal, I do. Also, give a wave if someone does let you in. It's manners.

7. ASMR. I hate those sounds. It makes me cringe. I know some people love it. I am not one of those people. 

8. Tipping for every little thing. I always tip servers. Always. 20%, sometimes more if they are extra amazing. I'll tip people who carry my luggage because I know it's heavy. (Sorry, sir!) But the other day I went to Crumbl Cookie and just wanted one (1) cookie, and the guy was like, "Do you want to tip?" and I was like, "No?" He literally took a spatula, picked up my cookie, and stuck it in a box. 

9. The last season of Game of Thrones. It was just awful. I pretend it doesn't exist, honestly. 

Those are at the top of my list. Trust me, I do have more. (I wouldn't be sad to see Adam Levine disappear forever.) 

We'll see if TikTok stays. 


  1. I did not use Tiktok much. The ban did not really affect me like it did to others.

  2. I love bing watching TikTok and don’t post very much. But I was kinda sad when they said it was gone.

    I agree with you on service fees. I try to add a large sum to my son’s lunch account so that I can keep the fees to a minimum. I don’t carry cash and don’t have it to give my son. I wish they would just accept debit/credit cards at school.

  3. I love TikTok, but when it stopped for awhile it did suck, but at the same time I was okay with it. I'm not on my phone a whole lot though. Although I do need TikTok for part of my business, so I'm glad it's back.

  4. This is chef's kiss perfection! I feel every bit of this list in my soul. The whiplash with TikTok? Same. The Cybertrucks? Hard agree. They look like rejected props from a low-budget sci-fi movie.

  5. This list had me laughing and nodding along! Totally agree with you on ASMR and tipping 😕.

    Natural Beauty And Makeup ❤️

  6. Great list! There are so many things that we could really do without besides TikTok. People have interesting priorities.

  7. This list is definitely something! 😂 Number 5 really got me—some things you just can’t unsee. Curious to see what might actually get banned first!


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