Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Understand

I may not understand why Tom is unable to change the toilet paper roll.

I may not understand why Tom can’t get his dirty clothes in the hamper.

I may not understand why Tom leaves his dirty dishes and trash around the house.

But I do understand....

....that Tom does love me.

Because even though writing about his feeling pains him....

....he does it because he knows how much I love to read what he has to say.

I also understand that Tom took it a step further...

...and wrote a love note for me in the base paper. (Yes, he forget the “a” in front of “very” but who cares about that? He wrote me a love note in the PAPER!)


  1. Aren't you lucky! He used your real names and everything so ALL the people on base will know who you are!

    I got a card, whoops, no, I got flowers and a box of chocolate. Which is much more than necessary. A hug and a kiss would've have been fine, but I'm glad he went all out for me!
    Cause he's that kind of guy... just like yours, only mine.:)

  2. awww!!!! i love this!!

    i think the changing of the toilet paper thing is a man thing. i really don't get it AT ALL.

  3. AW SO VERY SWEET!! :) (I am a bit jealous, we don't celebrate it but was hoping at least for the words happy valentines day since he called his mother and told her LOL)

  4. That's a good man. I'm so glad he made a grand gesture for you!

    (But seriously, how hard is it to change the toilet paper roll?)

  5. Yeah, there's some genetic defect about the toilet paper rolls and the clothes on the floor and MEN. But I'd say Tom redeemed himself with the card and the newspaper ad! Nice going, Tom!

  6. Awww,how sweet!! He didn't even say that you owe him?! LOL!!

  7. AWWWWWWWWW! *tear* Thats sooooooo sweet! My husband just does all th' other stuff - the ANNOYING stuff! Hope you guys had a happy Vday!

  8. Awwwww...I love this post! The pictures are fabulous!

    P.S. I've passed the Beautiful Blogger award on to you. Details on my blog.

  9. That is fantastic! How special that he put it in the paper! I think I'd shed tears if mine did that! Hubby and I went out for dinner but didn't buy each other anything this year.

    Mine is also incapable to replacing the toilet paper.

  10. What a guy! I think you should keep him!

  11. AWWWWW seriously that is so sweet!! what a keepsake!

  12. Awww, what a sweet husband you have.

    I have a feeling you'll be getting lots of Awwww's on this post! :)

  13. The toilet paper thing makes me so damn crazy, but you gotta love them anyway. Sweet cards. You deserve them

  14. :) Lucky girl!!! :)

    P.s. Seen the green dress at the mall the other day! I almost bought it as well.. until I realized I dont have a girl :)

  15. just when you are the brink of having to squish their little heads, you get this instead....ahhhh men...we will never understand them!

  16. In the paper and everything? Now he's just makin' all the other guys look bad! Very sweet: )

  17. Special guy definitely a keeper even if he is domestically retarded!

  18. This is one of those posts you should bookmark yourself so when you're having a really, really bad day, you can say, "oh, see, I remember why I keep doing this..."

  19. aw!

    so sweet...

    glad u had a great v-day!

  20. Awwwww! See he does have SOME endearing qualities!

  21. Awww that is so sweet :) I did NOT get a card for the spouse...I tossed him a bag of hershey kisses...that's all. And that is only because the past has shown me to not go overboard. He actually got me a card and a little teddy bear...that was quite a surprise! I felt like a heel....

  22. It makes up for so much of the annoyances!

  23. Aren't you a lucky girl?

  24. AWWWWWW! What a darling hubby you have!!! That was so sweet of him! Major points, maybe it'll get him through a week or two of clothes on the floor!

  25. Yaaaaay, Tom!! That's AWESOME!

    I LOVE sweet posts like this, I just can't get enough of them! You just made my day! Thanks!

    Now, go replace the toilet paper roll! (I will too!)

  26. Ahhhhhh!!!! So sweet!!

    I got nuthin'........{{sad face}}

    BUT.........I'm going to Italy!

  27. What a wonderful post. I'm delighted to see Tom does have a soft side and it's definitely for you. (Hugs)Indigo

  28. The note in the paper is very sweet. Give your man an extra big kiss for that one.

    Happy belated Valentine's day.

  29. The base paper? That's all public and everything. Nice.

  30. Wow...I'm impressed.

    I bet he's thrilled that you posted it all over the internet too...my hubby loves when I do that. lol

  31. I could have posted every single one of those first few pics. : ) Good job Tom!

  32. Totally makes up for all the annoying things...you are lucky. Beautiful words and nice to see them written out.

  33. Now that makes all those messes worth putting up with!!!!!! Soooo sweet!

  34. Aw, what a cute gesture. So lovely!!!

  35. You gys are such a cute couple. I feel like I've followed you forever and you've never wavered in your devotion to each other!

  36. That is so sweet. You better hang onto that guy! :)

  37. Oh, that is so sweet. I've finally given up hoping that one day my husband will replace the toilet roll but it's OK because he does other nice things like your hubby. :)

  38. I'm just gonna add another one: AWWWW! :)

  39. Awww. That is just sweet as can be! (And why can they not do those other things?)

  40. Okay, that was the sweetest thing ever. I say have him type up some kind of official husband guide, and put my hubby first on the recipient list! ;)

  41. AWWWW! That's SO Sweet! You are very very lucky woman! :)

  42. AWESOME! Bet he never wrote a love letter to his tires.

  43. He's just a man, come and read here

  44. OMG, you got a keeper there! Too sweet!


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