The one I slaved over?
Okay, fine, so it wasn’t that difficult seeing as I had to just throw everything into the Crock Pot. But still, I had to cut the bacon, the onions, the meat…and you have to understand, I hate cutting things. I’m not good at cutting. I’m always worried that I’m going to slice off one of my fingers. And who wants to be the mother with only nine fingers? I certainly don’t. (“Oh, that’s Tommy’s Mom, did you know she only has nine fingers? Yes, apparently she lost one in a kitchen accident..)
Aside from the cutting, I also had to deal with Natalie wanting to “help.” Some parents love their children in the kitchen “helping.” I am not one of those people. I’d prefer to have my kids in the living room. Watching. As in, watching TV, out of my hair. Cooking stresses me out as it is. Add children and it just adds to the frustration. (“Natalie…sweetheart…we don’t touch the raw stop tossing the flour in the air, it’s NOT like confetti!”)
If Natalie wasn’t “helping” she was asking me all sorts of questions. She brought in her box of crayons and would hold one up and ask seriously, “What color is dis?” I really can’t be distracted when I’m cooking because then I’ll make all sorts of mistakes. I’m bad at cooking, therefore I have to put my full concentration to it. There I was measuring things and Natalie would go, “What color is dis?” and poke the crayon in my thigh until I’d respond.
“Um, blue,” I said absently as I leveled off the measuring cup.
“No, it’s NOT blue, it’s lellow!” Natalie shouted at me. If she KNEW that, then why ask?
Bottom line, making the stew was not easy.
But guess what?
No one in this house ate it but me! I thought it was good. But Tom doesn’t like stew. He says all stews tastes off to him. Oh, but I bet if I brought Megan Fox in here and said that SHE made it he’d at least try a bite.
Natalie just played with hers. At one point she picked up a carrot and squeezed it through her fingers. Orange mush dropped all over the carpet.
And Tommy?
This was Tommy’s reaction:
I think I'm going back to making macaroni and cheese.
Pssh, I bet it was delicious!
ReplyDeleteAnd that's why I barely cook anymore.
ReplyDeleteThere are other things you can do with that wine besides put it into a crock pot.
ReplyDeleteWow, he looks like he was just told his puppy was run over. I'm sure it wasn't THAT bad.
ReplyDeleteWow, he looks like he was just told his puppy was run over. I'm sure it wasn't THAT bad.
ReplyDeleteI love to cook and consider myself a pretty good cook, and I have been on the receiving end of that face myself. Kids....
ReplyDeleteWell, I wouldn't eat it either but that is becasue I don't eat meat :) BUT I completely get the whole "hate to cook" thing. I don't even BOTHER trying to do nice, sit down family type dinners because I have a 3.5yo who is a PICKY eater, and a 19mo who, while she eats most anything, is going through a "I-only-want-to-eat-toast-or-cereal" phase.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll try it in 5 years ;oP
Aw, I'm sorry about that face. It stinks when your hard work doesn't pay off. Stopping by from SITS. :)
ReplyDeletei mighta force fed em all...
ReplyDeleteand i too bet it was actually wonderful anyhow.. i love stew!
I'm sure it was wonderful, but I must say I would have the same reaction as Tommy. But I hate food cooked together and I'm a vegetarian.
ReplyDeleteWell it sounds delicious. But this is why I don't slave over anything in the kitchen. It's never appreciated.
ReplyDeletewell, now ya know. next time they wont put their toys away you tell them you are making stew for dinner and I bet those toys FLY into the toybox! = )
ReplyDeleteyesterday i had my daugher (2) help me make cupcakes until i finally had to kick her out. the kitchen + kids + me= impatience gone wild.
ReplyDeletethe husband doesn't like when i make mexican inspired stuff--but if Angelina Jolie brought it to him i bet he'd be all 'hola! me gusta burritos!'
Well, sometimes all we can do is try.
ReplyDeleteAmber, I'll bet it was delicious. I was always kind of nervous cook, too, so never wanted others in the kitchen. But it seems like if they have a little something to do with it, they are more interested in eating it. (I've even had the grandkids stir a couple of ingredients that I didn't actually use.) Anyway, I hope you find another dish to try, and have better luck next time!
ReplyDeleteYou poor thing!
ReplyDeletethat is not funny but I am laughing just the same. I can totally picture you making it and trying to find a bay leaf too. Kids can be such whiners but it doesn't help when daddies are the culprit too.
ReplyDeleteOh no! I think you should serve it every day until they love it. :D
ReplyDeleteI have cooked many a meal like that. In fact, I made chicken soup a few days ago. Guess who the only one is who has eaten the delicious, homemade chicken soup?? Go on. Guess.
ReplyDeleteI bet it was really good! I wouldn't have known what a bay leaf was either, thanks for educating me! LOL!
ReplyDeletePoor you, I totally understand, and even if I'm pretty good at cooking, I freak out when my kids come in the kitchen and distract me, it seems they do it on purpose.
ReplyDeleteI'd make it even more often just to spite them!
ReplyDeleteoh Darn
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw "remember the stew" I thought oh yes! I do!!
And I hoped it was good.
Stinking lellow.
I would have loved it. I might still try making it myself. My family will, of course, turn up their noses and my husband will feign some onion allergy after calling me from 200 miles away saying he smells onion and asking if I'm making something with onion in it for dinner. This is why God invented peanut butter, I say. Sure, it was really George Washington Carver, but whatever. They can make their own sandwiches while I sop up that stewy, oniony goodness!
ReplyDeleteI'd come over and share it with you if only I could! All that work, all those good ingredients-- it HAD to be good!
ReplyDeleteSheesh! Picky bunch you have there. Guess this means that there's just more for you to enjoy! :) Good for you for at least trying something different.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was wonderful. Kids (and sometimes hubby) just don't taste the love!
ReplyDeleteWow, tough crowd.
ReplyDeleteI would've eaten it!
What's not to like?
And yes, cooking makes my ass twitch too, so I applaud your efforts.
Cooking a new recipe can be stressful enough without a 2 year trying to "help"! :)
ReplyDeleteUngrateful cretins... the lot of them!
ReplyDeleteAt least you liked it! My son would not have eaten it either. good job!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Tom's reaction didn't help convince the kids to try it. It sounded like it was a delicious meal. (Hugs)Indigo
ReplyDeleteBoy, am I with you on the cooking (and cutting!) thing! I'm completely inept at both, and therefore they require my FULL concentration! I say, eat up your delicious stew all by yourself and ENJOY!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh, AGAIN!
LOL!! What a face! I bet it was wonderful. I'd have given it a go. Especially after you went to so much trouble for the Bay leaf.
ReplyDeleteAww, well, it was worth a try! Maybe in time they will accept your new culinary endeavors.
ReplyDeleteAt least your kids only make a face. Mine take one look at my efforts and burst into tears (and I'm actually a really good cook). Their favorite chef is Chef Boyardee.
ReplyDeleteI made the stew for me and my honey while the kids were at dad's and we thought it was delicious!
A picture's worth a thousand words, huh? When they're older, maybe they'll just say, "Um, Mom, THAT's not my favorite. At all. You're not going to be serving that again soon, are you?" My children are oh-so-polite, you know.
ReplyDeleteDamn kids...
ReplyDeleteAs revenge, I think you should make yourself a juicy steak and make them eat tuna fish.
ReplyDeleteI love Tommy's face! But com'on, I'm sure it was great!
ReplyDeleteYour new mantra is " I am a great mom and a fabulous cook" Repeat until that look fades from memory!
ReplyDeleteBlame it being less than perfect on Natalie. With the lello crayon and all it has to be her fault!!
ReplyDeleteTHAT'S an interesting expression! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog on my SITS Day. And what a great day it was! When you have a moment, pop back over. I don't do many giveaways, but I have a cool one going now on a great kids book. TTFN!
ReplyDeleteYou need to spice up the name....maybe that's it.
ReplyDeleteHumpf. Let em eat cake. I'll be that stew was awesome.
ReplyDeleteSounds like it might be time to have Tom and Tommy learn to cook for themselves! I thought of you yesterday - I made chili and it required a bay leaf, I don't think my was a fancy Turkish Bay Leaf though:)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was wonderful! Don't give up! My poor family has choked down more of my tests and experiments than I can begin to list here. They're still alive and yours will be too!
ReplyDeleteMy kids do the same thing! On days when I don't feel like fighting, I'll make them mac and cheese or pancakes, and then send hubby out to get me a big greasy cheeseburger. On nights when I actually cook or "cook" they eat it or starve...
ReplyDeleteHis face is priceless by the way!
Psha! I am sure it was delicious. Ignore the children, it takes them 10-15 times to try something new before liking it. Husbands theres no hope for them.
ReplyDeleteI would go on strike. There's no freakin' way I'm going to slave and make dinner and not have anyone eat it.
ReplyDeleteI bet it was delish, Amber-dear! Maybe stew is just not a kid's dish! And I don't know what Tom's problem is - "something's just off with the stew"! Hogwash! This from a man who thinks there's a difference between Betty Crocker and Dunkin Hines brownies! C'mon! ALL brownies are good! Either that or this man has REALLY sensitive taste buds!
ReplyDeleteDon't give up on cooking!
You should make it again tomorrow for yourself and tell them they are on their own!
ReplyDeleteaww, that's so sad! Sounds like a great stew! If I lived nearby I'd offer to eat it with you and then walk your daughter through the crayon box so you could relax a little!
ReplyDeleteI get stressed out about cooking too. Probably because I don't do it often and I want it to turn out well. I don't have kids to get in my way, but I do have a husband! ;)
Stopping by from SITS! Have a great day!
Don't fret. Kids (and occasionally husbands, too) love to make faces over things they haven't tried yet. That just means more you you! I'll bet it was delicious!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if Megan Fox ever stops by my place and makes me some stew, I'll let you know if it was good (if I remember to try it).
Great blog, BTW!
ARGH!! Frustrating as Hell! I have to admit, my kids won't eat stew of any kind. Because there's, you know, vegetables in it.
ReplyDeleteI did laugh at Tommy's face, though.
I prefer Mac and Cheese too!
ReplyDeleteI can't even tell you how much this post is about me and my kitchen life! Kids in the kitchen throw me into an anxiety attack. I hate "prep" work. And that look on Tommy's face? It's burned into my brain from seeing it just about every night. P.S. I have a friend with nine fingers; when her kids get out of control she holds up her hand and says, "It's all fun and games until someone loses a finger!" - it kills me every time :)
ReplyDeleteGoodness - what a tough crowd.
ReplyDelete...and with Meagan Fox... I bet he'd even eat cardboard or the "other" brownie mix.