I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.
To cringe when people constantly sing The Climb at karaoke night or on those singing shows. It’s been overdone. There are many other songs to choose from.
To love the Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper. The real stuff, not the whole grain crap.
To not be surprised that Mariah Carey named her twins Moroccan and Monroe. Heaven forbid ‘celebrity’ babies are ever named something normal.
To say, “Did the person up front order the whole menu?” when the drive thru line takes forever to move.
To have exclaimed, “But there isn’t a TARGET in England!” when my husband first told me we were moving there. I survived the 3 years somehow.
To love the movie Beetlejuice. (Dayyy-ooooo!)
To feel strange when other wives whose husbands are in Korea say, “Oh, we talk for hours on Skype on his days off!” Tom and I usually talk 10 minutes. Sometimes 20. I’ve never been an extra chatty person. I tell him how things are, he tells me how things are, and then I say I’m going.
To still hate the term “staycation.” Just say, “I’m not going anywhere this summer.”
To wish I had an Italian friend who could make me all sorts of fabulous Italian dishes.
To wince when people shorten words into cutesy words. Such as, “Oh my gosh, you look ADORBS in that!” Or, “You look ridic!”
To still really be impressed with those extreme couponers but I’m sorry, I don’t have all that time to dedicate to buying a bunch of nail polish and Cheerios. I would do it for the laundry detergent. But one chick said she spends 60 hours a week couponing and has even cancelled plans to coupon. Um?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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My husband and I aren't big talkers on the phone or on skype if we're apart. I think 10 minutes is a max for us too.
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed with couponers, but whenever I try to start couponing I get really overwhelmed and have a hard time staying focused because I feel like most of the stuff I don't need.
Whole grain crap....hahahahahaah!
Those couponers need to hook up with those hoarders and they'd be in business! Buying crap they don't need just because they have coupons so they can keep it boxes brand new and never use it. It's like a landfill in your house for stuff you don't need.
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the coupons. It seems like they buy stuff just to buy it. Do they use the stuff?
ReplyDeleteThat was Hilar!
Is it also okay for me to want to kill our clients? (As long as I don't do it, of course...)
ReplyDeleteI got used to shopping at Asda when I was in the UK, yes its the same company as walmart, but even walmart seemed better with an accent!
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the cutesy shortening of words. Even the old stand-by, delish, gets my dander up.
ReplyDeleteAlso - I watched Extreme Couponing for the first time just last night. It gave me the heebie-jeebies. Next stop for these people? Hoarders.
"staycation" and "vacay" both should be removed from our lexicon!
ReplyDeleteNo target for 3 years? be still my heart. cancelled plans for coupons? no thanks.
ReplyDeleteI barely survived without Target for two years..I felt like I was in shopping rehab! I hate staycation too! No a fan of phone calls lasting hours either...who are these people that love to talk!
ReplyDeleteI made that Hamburger Helper last night. I'm not a big fan of it, but it's quick and easy! :o)
ReplyDeleteI despise the whole grain Cheeseburger mac. Yuck. Bought it on accident one time. And don't do the suggested "add this" can of Rotel to it... double yuck.
ReplyDeleteCheeseburger Macaroni is the only flavor I like!
ReplyDeleteI love shortening words! LOL
you crack me up, as always. This was hyster!
ReplyDeleteYep I hate......."staycation" and shortened cutesy words! ISH Barf!
ReplyDeleteI spent four years in England and I would kill someone for a Cadbury Flake right now. I really miss English food.It was Delish! Hahahaha.
Yum Cheeseburger Macaroni! Love that stuff! And to add to the weird celeb names, Alicia Silverstone just had a boy and named him Bear Blu. My hubby and I discussed this and decided our first born will be Giraffe Green. We want to stay trendy. :-)
ReplyDeleteIn long drive-thru lines, we joke that either: A. Someone ordered the fish sandwich or B. They're out back planting the wheat to make the buns (alternate is: they're artificially inseminating the cow, so at some point, we can have a burger.)
ReplyDeletewow. 60 hours a week. so really how much is she "making" an hour...like 5 cents. with a basement full of "free" toothpaste, cereal and deo, right? that will expire before she ever uses it! people are crazy!
ReplyDeletefunny, the other day I almost wrote adorbs on my blog and, literally, thought that is so not me, who talks that way?
here's mine - http://parentplanet.info/?p=2283
any kind of whole wheat noodles tank---my kids sniff them out a mile away...and what IS up with those coupon people?!? I'm impressed with their thrift but a little afraid of the hoarding part of it...I mean, who needs 50 mustards?!?
ReplyDeleteoh I also wanted to mention I was wondering...how exactly do you shorten morroccan? mori? canny? roc? don't people think of these things? and how much that child will be teased... he was named after the decor of her apartment...wtf!? I just loved that decor she tells him when he's 25 and so named you that, so when I changed it in a year I'd still remember it.
ReplyDeletecheeseburger hamburger helper is the best ever!
ReplyDeleteBeetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! :) I love that movie! I haven't seen it in such a long time!
ReplyDelete*confession* I grew up without a Target...
but when my husband was stationed in NC, I worked at one... so I think that makes up for my younger days :)
I'm in the Air National Guard, and last time I deployed I loved using Skype! But then I would run out of things to say after about 10 minutes because I did the same dang thing, every single day.
ReplyDeleteI also hate it when people shorten words. Just hearing someone say "guac" immediately irritates me. Just say guacamole!
i will forever LOVE Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper-- Mmm, maybe we should have that for supper.. lol
ReplyDeleteuh yea, those couponer's... sometimes i'm impressed-- but come on! i almost think its a form of OCD-- and they are wasting their life away!!
I am with you on the whole Italian chef things. Can you imagine how yummy the food would be?!
ReplyDeleteSadly I am not sure what "The Climb" is...I'm so going you-tubing!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I just started reading your blog - and just figured out you moved to England - something I'm about to do with the same reaction you had.... would love to hear how you coped with it etc....it may actually help settle that decision within myself too.
Hope all is well otherwise :)
PS - I believe Alicia Silverstone just named her baby something ridiculous too...Bear Blu - (seriously) - and the poor tot's last name is "Jarecki"....the kids are gonna have a field day.
ReplyDeleteWhen my husband lived away from us we didn't skype for long either. It was more to see how the day was going and that was it.
ReplyDeleteMe say daaaay-oooooo.
ReplyDeleteI love it's okay tuesday.
I hate skype with a passion - but it allows my mother to see and talk with my kids. So we only stay on just as long as necessary, too.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I'm not much of a talker either.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's definitely okay to hate the word "chillaxin" - if I hear another person say/write it I may not be able to help myself from hurting them....
ReplyDeleteAnd you DO have an Italian friend who can make you some yummy Italian food. Well....I'm not Italian and I can't cook...but Hubby can and is used to me volunteering meals from him. Just come on down to NC and we'll cater to all your culinary desires.
I'm not going anywhere this summer.
ReplyDelete60 hours a DAY couponing? I don't know if I'd really trust this gal's math!
ReplyDeleteI so love me some cheeseburger macaroni Hamburger Helper. Know what goes with it really well? Pillsbury's Italian bread in a can. And I love Beetlejuice. It was my (now grown) son's favorite movie when he was small. We watched it at least once a day for a year or more.
ReplyDeleteHell yeah Hamburger Helper is RI-DONK-U-LOUS good. Thought you would like that cutesy word. But seriously, love me some hamburger helper or anything with cheeseburger in it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with many, MANY things in this post- well, pretty much everything, actually!
The line thing. I am the most IMPATIENT person when it comes to waiting in line, mostly because I always take about 30 seconds to do whatever I need to wait in line for, but every single person in front of me takes about 10 minutes. Inexplicably.
The Staycation thing. I HATE it! Why is there shame in saying you are just staying home and not going anywhere? I love traveling, but I also love to spend some vacations at home and save myself the stress and money.And also, staying in your city and going out more is just not as fun as going somewhere out of town, so why try to make it sound like it is?
The Target thing. I. MISS. TARGET. Yet, somehow I go on, though I do dream about my first trip to Target whenever I go back to the US to visit. And while I am there, I will go to Target about 12 times in two weeks.
The shortened word thing, especially the word "Totes"...as in, this post is TOTES awesome! Just....why??
And nothing Mariah Carey does really surprises me anymore, especially when the explanation for her kids' names was given as, "So we can say, 'Let's go Roc and Roe!'" Really?
With you on each and every one! I think the time you spend on cutting EXTREME coupons brings you about ten cents an hour. My time's still worth more than that!
ReplyDeleteReally fab post! LOL
ReplyDeleteMonroe is actually a neat name, although I may only think so because my best friend had a great cat with that name. But Moroccan? Makes me wonder if she's suffering from a concussion. :P
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about celebrities naming their kids. You almost never hear of them choosing a regular name.
ReplyDeleteWhen my wife calls me at work, she wants to go on and on and on and.....you get the point. Our conversations consist of her doing all the talking and me doing all the listening. Sigh
I hate 'totes', can't stand it!
ReplyDeleteHamburger Helper rocks. No Target? I have no idea how you lived. And, why the hell can't everyone just say the whole word? So tired of all these little supposedly cute words. And joining couples names to make one. ANNOYING!
ReplyDelete60 hours a day?? how is that even possible??