Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To have decorated the house with Christmas stuff the day after Thanksgiving.

To not be surprised that Justin Beiber met the Canadian Prime Minister in overalls. He seems the type to do that.

To have gotten That’s My Boy from Netflix. It was pretty funny. I was mostly amused that Vanilla Ice was in it.

To hate when online stores are like “Free shipping!” And then in tiny print it says “On orders of $100 or more.” You guys suck.

To have entered in a fabulous giveaway for a beautiful necklace over at YourCharmedLife. Kelly makes great stuff!

To have not seen Lindsay Lohan's new movie Liz and Dick. I hear it was quite laughable.

To be happy that they are making a spinoff of Boy Meets World! This show will be about Cory and Topanga's daughter. Find more info here.

To think it’s funny that Tom insisted on getting this for our yard:


  1. I read about the spinoff of Boy Meets World .... I think I might just watch it along with the kids when the time comes

  2. I'm excited about Girl Meets World! Though I unfortunately do not have cable to watch it :(

  3. I wish I had my decorations up already. Nice Whack-A-Penguin you've got there! :D

  4. you have a jump start on me ... our tree went up last night! one month is not a very long time in the grand scheme of things - i want to get that "magical holiday feeling" as soon as possible! :)

  5. I can't wait to get my Christmas decorations up! Unfortunately it means I have to get the rest of the house clean.. haha!
    Ugh that 'free shipping' ad gets me every time, too. I hate it.
    I am excited about the Boy Meets World spin off!!
    Love the Whack-A-Penguin!

  6. Love the Whack a Penguin. Looking forward to decorating my house for Christmas this weekend. Can't believe it's December already!

  7. I freaking love the Whack A Penguin thing!! I kind of sort of want one now!

  8. I hate when I see "Free Shipping!" and it doesn't apply to Canada.

  9. Did Na go out and start whacking? Or does she feel sorry for the poor penguins?

  10. I am so excited about the Boy Meets World spin off! I can't wait to see who shows up.

  11. I need that Whack-A-Penguin! It's a family joke that I do not like penguins. :)

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I can't believe you wrote a book...that's so awesome! That is a dream if mine somday too. My hubs is a former Marine, so I get the military lifestyle:)

  13. Oh I love this idea! I need to start telling myself some of my little things are okay:) (oh and perhaps go rent that movie on netflix!)

  14. That yard decoration is perfect for you.

  15. Love the spin off show! I had no idea!

    And seriously... whack a penguin? AWESOME!!

  16. Boy Meets World spinoff??! what??? I'm excited! and I DVRed Liz & Dick but haven't watched it yet but I did hear it was terrible


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