Thursday, April 10, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Changing Diapers In Public

Someone posted on a group I'm part of a picture of someone changing their baby's diaper in the middle of Disney World.

Out in the open.

My thought? Ew.

I've seen public diaper changes before. Once in a mall. On top of a table in the food court.


I don't understand why people don't go to the bathroom? Yes, those changing tables might be gross. But my diaper bag contained a changing mat that I would always lay out first.

But going back to the post I saw online. I joined a group about Disney World, because, well, I love Disney World and we hope to go next year. And apparently after someone posted that picture, a lot of people chimed in saying that they've seen people change diapers all over Disney World.

I mean ????

I understand if you do it in a stroller discreetly. I personally wouldn't do it, but okay.

But out in the open?!

Some people might argue, "But the bathrooms might have been too busy!"

Look. We brought Natalie to Disney World when she was 1. In June, where it's PEOPLE GALORE.

I still always changed her in the bathrooms. It's not that hard. Changing her in the bathrooms meant my daughter's crotch wasn't on display.

So please.

Change diapers discreetly at least.

(Oh, and in that group post, a couple of people posted about not judging others. It's sort of hard NOT to judge when poop is involved. Publicly.)


  1. All I can say is that I'm so glad to be be done with diapers :)

  2. I would always go to the bathroom, too, or at least use the minivan! I second Jo when I say I'm glad to be done with diapers. :)

  3. i never understood that either! that's what diaper mats are for!

    Vodka and Soda

  4. I will admit that I have changed wet diapers in the car in the parking lot of Disney World. Poop diapers are always changed in the bathroom. Disney offers many restrooms, companion restrooms, and baby care centers that it should be pretty easy to get to a restroom to change a diaper. I like the baby care centers because the employees actually spray the tables after each person.

  5. ha! I like privacy. I go to my car or a bathroom and in the very least if I'm in public, I may go to a place in the grass where there is NO ONE around.

  6. I don't have a kid, but I don't understand why you'd want your kid's privates on display in public with all the sickos in this world.

  7. ewww....I do not want to be walking down the street and see any form of human poop. Naked baby butts are one thing but I think naked crotch is just soooo wrong. You don't know what kind of crazy pedophile is there.

  8. I admit i have changed her in the mall, inside the supermarket in her stroller! But if you saw those bathrooms you would understand.. They were beyond disgusting. I was n't going to put my 2 month old babyanywhere close to them!
    I have never done it since! I always find a way!
    But you know, sometimes nature calls..

  9. LOL i always change Brock privately usually because he stinks to high heaven though!

  10. EWWW! I've never seen anyone change a diaper in public, thank god. That's just nasty! I don't even like the ones in bathrooms that are out in the open... I wish THOSE were in a stall, too.

  11. I can't imagine chaining a baby/toddler in public - the food court table?! Seriously wrong!!
    I had to change the boys in the back of the car a couple of times and that stressed me out!
    My thought is we all find a bathroom when we need one so why can't we do the same for diaper changes?

  12. I always keep a changing pad in my bag too. I love the baby care centers at Disney! The changing tables are super clean and it's a cool, quiet place to escape. I don't like to nurse in public, so I love that I can go there and nurse (or pump) in the nursing rooms. I have changed my daughter in the car when I wasn't sure about the restrooms at a business, though.

  13. Yup. I agree 100%. I'm a mom who's always looking for a shortcut -- trust me. But I'm sorry, I'm not an advocate of having all of my kids bits on display.

    I do have at least some modicum of decency. ;-)

  14. I definitely choose a restroom over a tabletop or stroller when it comes to poop. For pee, I'd also rather have somewhere private, whereas my hubs has no shame in changing them on a table top. I get mad at him. It's so gross. People eat on there! And srly, how long could the line be for a changing table? Your kid already peed/poo-ed, so it's not like he/she is in a rush ;).

  15. I've run into situations where I'm at a place with no bathrooms nearby and that's when my daughter decides to poop. I try to be discreet when I change her though.

  16. I don't think I could change a diaper on a food court table, LOL! Gross!

  17. the food court table? really? that's just nasty. eewww.

    If the bathrooms had a long line up or were too far away, I would definitely find a secluded spot where I could do it discreetly. But yes, I've seen some questionable public diaper changes. Once -- public transit. yep. Stuck on a crowded city bus with the aroma of second hand baby food. nice.

    A friend of mine even changed her baby's blowout right beside us the other day. we were eating and drinking coffee. there was a nursery with full change table 2 feet away, and she just plopped that shitty bum right beside our nice coffee chat. If it was Facebook, I would have unfriended her.

  18. Poopy diapers always get changed in the bathroom. Wet diapers get changed in our stroller with a blanket over the canopy IF the bathrooms are crowded or full...and we normally are parked next to a bathroom.

  19. That is gross! I don't see a problem with changing a diaper in your car, because technically, that's not a public place.

  20. Ga-ross! Use a stroller or, HELLO! There are bathrooms everywhere in Disneyland!

  21. I can barely remember those days luckily, but it wouldn't bother me too much except the food court one.

  22. We went to Disney in July when my youngest was 1. I changed his diapers in the bathroom. I don't remember there being some crazy line or anything. And they have bathrooms all over.

    I changed my babies in bathrooms. Or if we were at a park where there wasn't that option, I changed them in the van.

  23. Disney world bathrooms were always unbelievably clean! I'd have no second thoughts about changing a diaper in their bathrooms. A public restaurant at home is a-whole-nother story! Wait til you get back to the car and do it there!

  24. So glad to be done with diapers! Back in the day, though, poop diapers always got changed in the bathroom. Wet diapers could sometimes be swapped out quickly elsewhere, but not on display for other people.

  25. A woman openly changed her baby on a folding table in the laundromat. I stared at her and looked her in the eye so that she knew she wasn't getting away with it. I didn't want a fight so I didn't say anything, but I think my grossed out glare spoke for me.

  26. I totally get how it is super gross, especially a food court table! Unfortunately not all people changing diapers are moms or women and mens bathrooms are disgusting and usually don't have a changing table. My brother is a single dad. Like, completely full time single dad and it has been really hard for him to change his daughter when out in public. Sometimes it isn't that simple. He does try to be discreet!


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