Monday, May 30, 2016


When Tom and I were first dating, he had me watch Saving Private Ryan with him.

It was an experience.

I still have that image in my head of the soldier dying on the beach, his intestines out, screaming for his mother.

I admit, sometimes I take my freedom for granted. And I shouldn't. Because so many brave soldiers fought and gave their lives for my freedom. They should always be remembered. Not just on Memorial Day. My Grandpa fought bravely in WW2. He helped pave the way for our freedom. So many other young people did too.

So if you're at the beach, enjoying a BBQ, laughing with family....remember why you're able to do those things. Today is NOT the official start of summer. Make that another day. This day is for our fallen soldiers.



  1. Hope Tom has a peaceful relaxing day.

  2. always an emotional day for me, coming from a long line of military family, which luckily were never lost in combat. i was raised to know the difference between this and veterans day--wish more ppl knew that!!

  3. It is strange that people say "celebrate" and "Happy Memorial Day." I told Scarlet she could say "Happy July 4th" but this one is about remembering and wishing for a better future.

  4. Great post. I definitely have a greater appreciation for Memorial Day after having dated B and getting to "know" you.

  5. I love simple, to the point messages. Remember is definitely one of them :)

  6. Oh dear you have just reminded me when I went to see Saving Private Ryan. I friend recommended it and I last no more than 30 minutes before I had to walk out of the cinema!Completly freaked me out but made me think of what life is thats for sure.

  7. Much gratitude for all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country and us. To those who have served and are currently serving. My son-in-law is deployed as we speak. My husband is retired Air Force. May we all remember.

  8. This was a very thoughtful post for a weekend that has become more of a "celebration" versus a time of remembrance. My grandfather also served our country in WW2.

  9. Salute to all the brave heroes who sacrifice their selves for the freedom.

  10. Nice thoughts for such an important day. You are right that too many of us tend to be n celebration mode.

  11. Thank you for the reminder! So thankful for the fallen soldiers and all that they're have done and continue to do.

  12. Thanks for the reminder! Freedome ain't Free, that's for sure.

  13. We really do have to think about the true meaning of the day and appreciate our military and the people who sacrifice for us. Thank you for this important post.

  14. This is a great reminder. So many people don't recognize what Memorial Day is about and treat it as a simple reason for a bbq and extra day off.

  15. Such a beautiful post and a good reminder many of us need! My birthday is May 28 and I always remember it's Memorial Day weekend first and foremost. I share or shared my birthday with my Grandfather may be rest in peace and he was a war veteran. That means more to me than celebrating any long weekend!

  16. So much respect for soldiers who go out there in the battlefield and risk their lives for our freedom. ������������

  17. I'm so glad you posted this. As a military family we take this day very seriously and it is a day of remembrance and not for celebration for us.

  18. You are so right. We in the UK do not celebrate it as much but i like to acknowledge it.

  19. To be honest, we do not celebrate it as much in Ireland or maybe it is just me, i guess. you are right, it is important to be aware and be respectful of it :)

  20. Awww, very nice gratitude post.

  21. I love Memorial Day because we can celebrate the sacrifice so many brave men and women made. I have many family members who serve and have fallen.

  22. Such a great post to remind everyone that we should pay at least a minute of commemorating those people who sacrifice.

  23. What a lovely reminder. It's so important to celebrate sacrifice so many people especially soldiers

  24. This is exactly what Memorial Day is supposed to be, for the men and women that give/gave their lives for our freedom. My family is active in supporting our troops so we can keep our freedom

  25. Such a nice post. What a great example of how Memorial Day should be celebrated. A lot of people brush this day off and it confuses me. Thanks for sharing! :)


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