Wednesday, November 29, 2017

5 Reasons Why You Should See Wonder

I decided to take my kids to see Wonder over Thanksgiving break. My daughter was excited about it. "It's based off a book. I haven't read it yet, but I heard it's good!" I haven't read the book yet either, but I'm now number 241 on the library wait list for it.

My son? Well, he's 15 and it's tough to get him out of his room. But I promised him food, so he went.

My husband did not join us. He does not like to feel things.

The movie was spectacular and I highly recommend it. Here's why.

1. You'll be reminded that it's always important to choose kind. In the movie, some kids aren't nice to Auggie, who was born with facial differences. Maybe their parents forgot to teach them not to be bullies. I don't know. My son has autism and I always worry people will be cruel towards him. So far, he hasn't been messed with, but if he ever is, I'm going to grab the kids by the ankles, swing them around my head, and toss them into the air.

2. If you have kids, it's a good lesson for them. It will remind them that people are different and we must EMBRACE those differences. I always tell my kids they can learn something for each person they meet. They just have to be willing.

3. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll cry some more. Oh man, I cried so much into my popcorn to the point where my son took the bucket from me. "You'll get your tears all over it. Gross." Granted, my kids did not cry. Well, Natalie said she nearly did once, but it was about the dog. "What about people being mean to Auggie?" I wailed. She shrugged. "I was sad, but the DOG!"

4. Julia Roberts is in it. I still remember when she was a prostitute....

5. You'll leave the theater feeling good. And possibly crying all over yourself. Or maybe that was me. I had to leave the theater with my sunglasses on because my daughter said I "looked blotchy." I am not a pretty crier. I felt like Bono.

Have you seen Wonder yet? Are you a pretty crier?


  1. I was in high school with a girl similar to the boy in Wonder. She was awesome and very very smart. I can’t wait to see this movie!

  2. I really would love to see this movie! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

  3. We saw the movie this weekend. My boys liked it a lot, but didn't cry. I cried so much. We actually listened to the audio book, it was fantastic!

  4. This movie looks awesome and it's definitely on my list of movies that I want to see. I don't go to the movies, but as soon as it hits Netflix I am all over it :)

  5. We saw it too. I only teared up a little bit!

  6. We read the book our first year homeschooling, when my daughter was in 5th grade. It was recommended by a 5th grade Language Arts teacher from the school she had been at. It was such a wonderful story. We are excited to see it!

  7. I have the same husband. Choosing to be kind is always the way we should choose. Bet the movie is a good lesson for kids and adults.

  8. This is definitely one movie I will be seen with my family. It looks like such a good movie and I know I could learn something from it in my kiddos could too.

  9. I am really looking forward to watching this film with my family. Such a great lesson to teach the youngsters xx

  10. I've been wanting to see this with my guys! This is such an amazing story. I grew up with a younger brother who is special needs and there was so little awareness about how insignificant our differences on the outside are.

  11. I haven't seen Wonder, but I've only heard good things about this movie! Such a great message and story for anyone at any age

    Sondra xx

  12. I haven't seen it yet BUT the book was required Summer reading for my kids' AP English class a couple of summers ago. The kids are excited to see it and I can't wait to see the movie as well.

  13. My kids read the book and want to see it so bad. My kids get so mad when people make someone feel bad. Their school is getting a Buddy Bench and my youngest can't wait for someone to be sitting on it so she can go up to them.

  14. I've read Wonder but have yet to see the film! If it's anything like the book I know I'll enjoy it. I'm hoping to see it sometime during the holidays.

  15. This movie sounds great! I love when there's lessons for the kids to take away from the experience. I am considering checking it out :)

  16. I actually really want to see this movie. My husband hates movies in the theater in general so I'll likely have to wait until it comes to blu-ray or the tv.

  17. I didn't want to see this because it looks sad, but my sister in law said it was actually uplifting.

  18. We are hoping to see this movie. We read the book and can't wait to see the film version. Hopefully we will have a chance to catch this film.

  19. I really want to see this with my kids. I thankfully have taught my son to be friends with the new kids. He knows what its like to be new, so I told him, always make friends with the new kids because they feel lost and displaced and are just searching for a friendly face. I think it's served him well at the three schools he's been to for only being a third grader. I do need to spend more time with my kids teaching them about how to look past people's physical differences and get to know a person from the inside out.

  20. This sounds like a great film! I will definitely have to check it out. xo, Suzanne

  21. I had heard of the movie Wonder, but I wasn't sure what it was about. It really sounds like it is an emotional movie.

  22. I want to see it!! I'm not sure if I'm a pretty crier. Depends on who you ask.
    Your description of what you'll do if someone is mean to Tommy is exactly my brand of Mama Bear. Luckily it hasn't happened yet because I'll probably get arrested!

  23. I am looking forward to seeing Wonder. I have been hearing so many great reviews for it from friends. I will be sure to bring some tissue.

  24. I'll have to watch this at home since I'm not a pretty crier either and I'm sure I'll be crying if I see this. I grew up with a cleft lip, so I know how cruel kids (adults too) can be.

  25. I love tearjerker movies! It’s rare for a movie to make me cry but those that do are definitely the good ones!

  26. I resonate with your son: It's difficult to coax me out, but if you mention food, I'm there haha. I actually hadn't heard of Wonder before, but I did some research (ie, Google-ing) before writing this comment and it sounds like such a cute movie! Seems to me like it would convey a good message. :)

    Christie's Take on Life. xx

  27. I'm a ugly crier. Love a great tearjerker movie. I haven't seen wonderful yet. It looks like a great movie to see with my family.

  28. I haven't watched this movie yet. I think it's full of moral and good lessons.

  29. I haven't seen it yet. I have seen the trailer though and heard a lot about it. I haven't been to the movies in ages but considering your article, I might decide to go this weekend

  30. I have not seen Wonder and yes, I’m a crier. I am ready. (Going this weekend😉 - thx!)

  31. I wasn't able to see this yet and reading your post makes me push on being able to see it. I love the lessons and this is the best take away I got from you. "people are different and we must EMBRACE those differences", couldn't agree more on this.

  32. Wonder sounds like a nice movie. The plot and the subject seem to be really interesting and touching. Will look out for it.

  33. Such a great review, I will be hitting up the movie theater soon! Also, adore your blog name it made me smile!

  34. lol I've left the theater crying before too. :) I love movies that have a good lesson.

  35. I want to see it after reading this. And I had never heard of it before reading your post, lol.

  36. I haven't seen the book or the movie. I have heard about it and I know not only would I love it but my family as well.

  37. When I saw the previews for this movie it was definitely intriguing to me. I'm glad that you and your family enjoyed it, I guess I'll have to watch it now! I'm sure we'll love it too, how can you not love anything Julia Roberts is in?!

  38. I so want to see this movie! I keep seeing the previews for it. I love Julia Roberts too!

  39. I love to read books and that one is something I wanna read soon. I'd love to see the movie soon too, heard a lot of great response to it.

  40. Oh that sounds like a great movie. I am going to add it to my list. Love how you recapped what the movie teaches us.

    xx, Kusum |

  41. I still remember Julia Roberts as a prostitute, too! I wonder how many of the under 40 crowd do...

  42. I have not seen this movie yet, and I can't wait. It sort of reminds me of the a similar movie which featured Cher many years ago. The name of it escapes me right now.

  43. My daughter was so excited that she got to see the movie Wonder before it came out. She loved it and saw a special screening and was able to see it at with her school. It does look like such a great movie. And it's always great to walk out of a movie feeling good.

  44. I have not heard of this movie but it sounds so nice. Will ask my daughter if she would like to see it.

  45. I read the book! Can’t wait to get a free moment and see if the movie is just as good!

  46. I was afraid to see it as I didn't want to see a terrible remake of a book again. I am often times disappointed. You've gave me reason to attempt it!

  47. I seen the trailer and I cried. I legit cried I will go see it looks cute.

  48. I must have been living in a bubble. I haven't heard of this but it seems like it has a good story line so I will be checking out on this and me and my kids will watch it.

  49. Hahaha! Number 4 really made laugh! I also have a teenage son, but I don't think I could convince him to go to this! It looks like a great film and definitely will be seeing it!


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