Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How To Make A Stepping Stone For The Garden

This post is sponsored by SD Toyz, but all opinions are my own. 

I'll admit it: I'm not a crafter. It's not my thing. I admire what other people create but for me, if I like something, I'll pay for someone to make it for me on Etsy.

My daughter? She loves to craft. So she was excited about the Perfect Craft Stepping Stones that we picked up at Hobby Lobby. I thought it was cool that she could make a one-of-a-kind stone.

I also loved that basically everything we would need to make the stone was already in the box.

The directions were easy to follow, which is a plus, because as I said, I don't craft much. My daughter could see what she needed to do.

She decided what she wanted her stone to say, and then she put the letters on:

Then you have to make up the stuff to create the stone. You just add some water:

You shake for a bit:

When it's all mixed, pour into the mold. I suggest doing this outside:

Natalie added some black paint because she wanted a marbled look. What's also cool is that it's 5 times stronger than regular plaster.

Then you wait an hour for it to harden!

This is what it looks like when it's finished:

My daughter was excited to paint:

She said she didn't feel like staying in the lines because staying in the lines is boring. I agree.

The funny thing about her sign, is that we don't have flowers in the garden. This is because I have a black thumb. So not only am I a pretty terrible crafter, but I also can't grow things. My daughter wants to try so she WILL have flowers at some point.

But for now?

There's a bouquet.

The stone is sitting in our front garden, and Natalie basically made it on her own. I helped her out with getting the stone from the mold, but that was about it. So if you're looking for an easy activity for kids, I suggest this. Head to Hobby Lobby and pick yours up--and don't forget to use the 40% off coupon on the site. It'll make the stone less than $15! 

Are you a crafter?


  1. I've always thought these kids look fun!

  2. This would be the perfect project to do with my kiddos this weekend. I love how easy it is to do.

  3. We made something like this for my mother in law and we put my kids hand prints on them and their ages at the time. She's since passed away so we got the stepping stone back. I'm so glad she found joy in that before she died. Its such a fun project for kids too!

  4. I had no clue they had kits for this! Your finished product turned out great!

  5. I absolutely LOVE this idea and think it came out awesome. I need to make one for our garden!

  6. This is a cute project for kids. My boys made one of these and it looks great in our yard.

  7. That such a lovely idea. I didn't even know you could make your own stepping stones. I'm sure my children would love to do this.

  8. STOP. IT. I totally want to do this with my nephew. This is so cute!

  9. These are so cute! My girls would love making these for our yard.

  10. This is such a fun idea, I love making different things and this would be so cool to make your own garden stepping stones. Looks like your daughter had a fun time making them!

  11. A DIY stepping stone! Wow! This is the coolest idea ever, i can't wait to make one just for fun, love it.

  12. I love this. We have one my daughter made years ago. I need to have my other two kids make them.

  13. Oh my goodness! This is so cute and it looks so fun to do. My son would love this making this stepping stone, I am so sure!

  14. Such a cute craft for the kids, I wish there was something like this when I was a kid. We hust had to hope we would wander into a wet sidewalk. haha.

  15. Like the cool activity for kids. I would love to buy this for my niece and definitely put your coupon code

  16. wow! This diy is awesome! I am sure that my kid will enjoy making one of these!

  17. This is really cute! I could definitely use some in my garden (I actually do have flowers), especially that I am in full redecorating mood at the moment.

  18. Oh my goodness I love this idea! My son loves crafting too and is really into painting. He will love trying this DIY stone out.

  19. This is so cute! I am pretty sure my niece would love to do this and put it on our little garden outside.

  20. My mom used to do stuff like this with us when we were little. It definitely makes for some memories.

  21. What a cool crafting idea for your garden.

  22. That’s a cute craft for kids I love this idea, that would be a great addition to any garden.

  23. These are such a cute craft! I can cook but, crafting isn't my thing either so these kits really help a mama out, lol

  24. That is such a great idea. I love stepping stones! My kids would have a lot of fun with this too. They love all things crafty.

  25. This is seriously so fun! I can't wait to do this with my kids!

  26. What a fabulous springtime activity! I'd love to make some beautiful stepping stones for my backyard garden. Thank you so much for sharing this fun idea!

  27. I didn't know they had stepping stone kits. I would definitely make one for my garden.

  28. We have one of these somewhere in our house. I'll have to find it and create one with my kids!

  29. It looks very pretty! Perfect activity for kids

  30. Wow, this is super nice to try. It always makes it more special when something is customized. I love the end result also.

  31. That is such a great idea. Little things like that really bring a garden together.

  32. This is so cool. If I had a great garden my daughter would love to create something like this. I love the look.

  33. Wow! This is very creative and a fun activity for the kids. I would probably do this for me instead of the kids. Lol


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