Sunday, March 8, 2020

Mom Jeans Are Back And Teens Wear Them

When my daughter asked about mom jeans, I thought she was joking. I mean, MOM JEANS? I remember reading about those in magazines and I was certain they were under the DON'T section. Didn't Jessica Simpson get mocked for wearing mom jeans a few years ago?


Natalie, my daughter, told me, "They're back in style," and then showed me a ton of photos of people sporting the high waisted jean.

I laughed.

Natalie went, "Can we go shopping and get a pair? I have some money."

I said, fine, sure, whatever. 

I didn't think we'd find mom jeans. I still thought it was all a dream, or a joke. 


We found them at Kohl's and yes, they actually said MOM JEANS. Natalie was like, "See? I told you!" 

Apparently they are in most stores now. Natalie also has a pair from Hollister.

I'm still not a fan of the holes in jeans either. If I can fit my head through them, something has gone very wrong in my eyes. Natalie just says "ok boomer."

Apparently grown adults like them as well. You know, ACTUAL moms. They are not my taste.

But my daughter loves them, and you know, I might not understand, but SHE does:

Do you have Mom Jeans? 


  1. Gabbie mentioned something about mom jeans too. I don't wear mom jeans!

  2. I never knew mom jeans were a thing i just thought out of shape moms wearing jeans were the thing. I will have to show this to my daughter and see if she buys a pair.

  3. No! My youngest sister-in-law is in her early 20's and she and her friends wear them. I'm like, our generation worked so hard to eradicate mom jeans and y'all just...brought them back?? Lol.

  4. Nooooooo. This cannot be a trend, I cannot believe it. I've never found mom jeans to be flattering and I can't believe teens like them. So weird!

  5. I didn't know about mom jeans. But I like the way they look. I'll keep an eye for mom jeans next time I go shopping.

  6. I did not know that these are referred to as mom jeans. Thanks for the update. Fashion is like a carousal, same trends keep coming back

  7. I love wearing mom/boyfriend jeans far more than skinny jeans! It's great to see things doing a full circle and coming back into style.

  8. I love high waisted jeans boyfriend jeans and mom jeans they look more stylist and they make my body look cute

  9. Isn't it insane? I remember when I was younger thinking I would NEVER put on Mom jeans ever! Even when I became a Mom. Now my kids want them.

  10. Her jeans are too cute. I have a pair of mom jeans, and I love them. I can't wait to shop for a new pair.

  11. These jeans are cute. I will stick with my skinny jeans as I like them better

  12. No way! I put my last pair of mom jeans away many years ago!

  13. I see young girls wearing these jeans all the time. IT's not a bad fad.

  14. Haha, I remember the first time I saw someone in them recently and I thought "poor girl, she's so out of style," but no - I'm the one who is out of style. She's perfectly on trend.

  15. Love the title! haha. All my jeans are mom jeans, not because I'm only a mom, but I love the style of mom jeans!

  16. Mum jeans you say, I think that is all I have ever worn

  17. Anything comes back into style if you wait long enough! Walking through the mall is like being back in the 90s these days, haha!

  18. Surely with such large chunks of fabric missing at the knees, these Mom jeans must be at least 50% less expensive than regular jeans, right? Right?

  19. Honestly, I'd much rather see the teens getting behind the mom jeans trend than continuing with the low rise jeans showing off their thongs! For a while, it was quite disturbing any time I was walking the halls of a high school (I would go into music programs as a sectional instructor). I agree, however, I don't understand the point in paying for jeans with huge holes in them... I mean, we weren't afraid to rock holes in our jeans when I was younger, but they wore their way in over time, they didn't come that way lol

  20. Haha! I don't know if I would be down for that large of rips/holes in my jeans, but I do like some fraying. I have not tried out these raved mom jeans, but I wouldn't mind owning a few pairs!

  21. In fashion everything comes back at some point. Real Mom jeans were not distressed though!

  22. Love when the fashion comes back. And I remember these jeans. They are so cool!

  23. Wow! She looks fabulous on that MOM jeans. It's nice to know that this kind of outfit is "in" again.

  24. It looks good on her. I've been seeing fashion bloggers wearing mom jeans on Instagram but I don't have one yet. -LYNNDEE

  25. It's so funny how some trends go out of phase and then come back in style. These jeans look pretty comfortable so I may need to find something like this!

  26. I remember mom jeans and the SNL skit about them! Glad they got a stylish reintroduction because your daughter's mom jeans are cool!

  27. I can't stand mom jeans and I am a mom--is that weird?

  28. I like mom jeans, it is so comfortable! I like it that fashion is so various now

  29. I can't believe these are back in style! I just don't know if I could pull them off! There is only one way to find out!

  30. I do remember mom jeans and I shudder to think they are back in style now. I do like the holes in the jeans, though it depends on the look!!

  31. Tiffany La Forge-GrauMarch 10, 2020 at 1:14 PM

    It is so funny to me to see teens wearing them now. When I was in school you were put in jail for it. Lol!

  32. I have some mid rise jeans but none that would be considered mom jeans, haha

  33. I don't think I own any Mom jeans, but I know I don't have any that ride so low you can see the undies. I personally don't get the whole "holes in the jeans" thing either.

  34. Mom jeans are pretty cool! They look comfortable and actually pretty stylish.

  35. I'm not opposed to these jeans coming back. The ones that I couldn't get on board with were the low rise. It's as if they were designed to create muffin top.

  36. This is so new. If I was a teen I would have dreaded wearing mom jeans ���� Lovely pics.

  37. I don't own one pair of mom jeans like what is wrong with me? lol

  38. I don't have a pair of mom jeans! I think it's time I by one for me and my daughter

  39. Trends are so fun, especially when we are younger. Live life, if you can do the trend, DO IT!

  40. Isn't this trend crazy? I can't even believe teens are wearing Mom jeans. It is a funny thing to see for sure.

  41. I love Mom jeans. But I don't like the big holes too. Maybe just slightly ripped would look better. Okay bye.


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