Sunday, March 12, 2023

Having A Vasectomy Party

Look, I'm 40, and I know I don't want more kids. I also want to go off birth control. The odds of me getting pregnant are slim, but I know it can still happen. I've read the horror stories about women falling pregnant at 45. Granted, to them, it's not a horror story, but to me who is quite finished after 2 kids, it is. Oh sure there are condoms and other ways we could prevent a pregnancy, but you know, I pushed 2 human beings in the world, and it hurt, so it's my husband's turn. 

Yes, he was worried about a vasectomy. When I first introduced the idea years ago he looked at me in absolute horror and was like, "Do you know what they DO?" 

Well, yes. Do you know everything I had to do in order to have our children? Morning sickness. Getting fat. Stretch marks all over. Tears. Down there. Stitches. Down there. So yeah. It was hard for me to sympathize. 

However, I am of the belief that it is "your body, your choice." I don't have the right to say what you do with your own body. So I never pushed Tom. Years went by. And then Tom agreed to do it. 

Before a vasectomy even happens, you have to sit through a briefing where they go over everything that will occur.

I thought this would frighten him.

And it did, a little. But he still made the appointment to get it done. I was not allowed to go in. I thought he might emerge walking bent over, in intense pain, but he strolled out upright after 25 minutes. He was numbed down there, obviously, and said he did feel a little bit, but it wasn't as bad as he thought.


I decided to make it as fun as I could for him at home. Starting with getting him his favorite treats:

I also got him a card from Etsy:

I got funny cupcake toppers from Amazon here:

I also got some amusing balloons from Amazon

Oh, and my husband recommends getting these after a vasectomy. These come with underwear recommended for after a vasectomy. You can get them here. Plus the name is hilarious:

How is he doing? He's still sore, mostly on his left side he says. But it's not unbearable. I still have to be on birth control for a while to make sure the vasectomy worked. He has to go in and give a sample to be sure in a few weeks. He's able to move around slowly and he's been mostly resting on the couch.

But if your man is on the fence, let him know he'll be okay. Remind him that you've done enough having the babies and that it's his turn now. He'll survive! 


  1. Honestly, this is such a sweet idea. Vasectomies in general are scary to ME! So I can only imagine how it is do someone going in for one! Yikes! But you made something scary to being something worth celebrating! I like it! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

    -Whitney Stewart

  2. this is a great idea, you have made this a wonderful celebration, when the situation becomes scary.

  3. This is such a fun idea. I might have to do something similar with my husband. He is thinking of getting a vasectomy as well.

  4. I never would have thought of this! Hahaha, this is a fun and sweet idea for your loved ones. I'll have to share this.

  5. I had a tubal done while I was having my third baby via C-section. It was easier than doing it as a separate surgery. I love how you celebrated his vasectomy.

  6. This is a really great and wonderful idea. I’m surely going to share this with my friend and family

  7. Oh my, this is such a unique party to have! It looks really great for such people in same condition! Respect and cheer for them! Loved you guys!

  8. I agree with it being his turn! My husband got his vasectomy a couple years ago. I wish I would've thought to send him off with a Balls Voyage! That is hilarious.

  9. This is awesome. I love that you are not just open about it but that your husband actually considered it. I think mine needs to have a read of this!

  10. What a funny way to celebrate the next milestone in marriage and family planning.

  11. Your idea is a wonderful celebration when things get scary, you've made it a wonderful occasion.

  12. That's so sweet of you to give some treats! I am proud of your husband for going through this.

  13. LOL this is hilarious I love all the themed swag you have to make it more fun! It seems like we have parties for everything now, divorces, 1st periods so why not vasectomies?

  14. You are right! Now it's his turn. We need to remind him this!

  15. It's great that you were supportive of him and even made the experience as fun as possible with treats and decorations. It's also good to hear that the procedure wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

  16. I love how supportive you are. When something tends to be on the scary side, it's so smart to add in something fun like this to make the experience more positive. Such a great idea!

  17. Oh my gosh! This is hilarious!! Saving this for a friend I know who's doing the same.

  18. My sister-in-law did tubectomy, was on birth-control pills and what not! I wish her husband (my cousin) opted for vasectomy and did his part! I love those funny balloons and card 😃.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  19. That's a fun idea! May as well celebrate! Love all your ideas, and it is nice to have a fun spin on it.

  20. This is the cutest idea! The little signs made me laugh so hard. I wish I had done this for my husband years ago.

  21. Such a fun way to celebrate it. Those signs are too funny. LOL. Hope he had a blast celebrating. :) -LYNNDEE

  22. I love that you two have such a fun relationship and can meet events like these with such good humor!

  23. What a fun way to celebrate the occasion! Wow... I respect your deices as I am with you and would not want to get pregnant again. Two is enough LOL....

  24. Oh, my gosh! You are the cutest. My husband is going to feel really left out. He just got a little sympathy. BTW, I was one of those who had a chemical pregnancy (and related loss) at 45 so your concern is real.

  25. You definitely turned the day into a fun one for your hubby!

  26. I love your attitude! That was so fun to have a party after his vasectomy! I love the name of that underwear too!

  27. I love that you made it fun...sort of!! ha/ha I remember my husband making the decision to do it and then about 4 months later the doctor telling me that I needed a hysterectomy. Sorry honey!! ha/ha Great post. The smiles are great and it's worth it in the end.

  28. Why do men hate this procedure? You did a great job with his party.

  29. I love that you threw your hubby a vasectomy party! The box of sweet treats, the card & balloons - everything was so creative!

  30. I think the way you put it is totally right. Having had two children it is definitely his turn. I'm glad that he agreed to go ahead, that shows consideration for you. Not all men would do it. I love that you got some treats for him that he got to enjoy after, that's so sweet. Those balloons and cupcake toppers are awesome!!!

  31. These vasectomy party ideas are still hilariously clever and inject humor into a typically serious topic - definitely a unique way to celebrate a milestone in a man's life. The creative themes and lighthearted approach make the prospect of a vasectomy party surprisingly entertaining and even somewhat festive!

  32. This is so funny but also super sweet! :)

  33. love how you turned something definitely scary for the menfolk into something sweet and fun and made it all better and way more tolerable

  34. May as well celebrate things! This was a fun idea, you have so many great touches for your celebration.

  35. Sounds like he has a lot of support. Nice to have family to support after the procedure

  36. Your approach to a sensitive subject like vasectomy with such openness and even a bit of humor is truly admirable. It's a great reminder that these decisions, while personal and sometimes difficult, can be handled with care, understanding, and mutual respect!

  37. This is a great way to understand the procedure or the vasectomy.

  38. I applaud your husband for being brave to do this! The treats are funny and thoughtful. But my favorite is the nutsicles -- I would love to get one for my husband. LOL

  39. Loving this and a fun way to celebrate a milestone that is for sure ;) Love this and everything looks great and love the cupcakes!


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