Sunday, August 6, 2023

Fun Fact Ideas For The Dreaded Ice Breaker Games

Oh gosh, if there's one thing I abhor profusely, it's Ice Breaker games. No, I do not want to talk to someone I don't know. I especially do not want to stand up in front of everyone and say a Fun Fact about myself. Please, for the love of all things sacred, don't make me do a Trust Fall. 

However, it seems when a job or school begins, that Ice Breaker games start. Look, if people want to talk, they will. Do not force them with these terrible, terrible games. I beg of you. My palms that immediately go clammy when someone mentions Ice Breaker games BEG OF YOU.

My daughter isn't looking forward to school starting because she knows some classes will do the Ice Breaker games. My son moves into his college dorm and there are mandatory meetings and he's petrified that in those meetings the Fun Fact thing will happen. 

But it's okay! I have some Fun Fact ideas if you draw a blank. Just always have these at the top of your mind when you are asked to share a Fun Fact.

--Seen a movie over and over again? Say something like "I've seen Titanic over 20 times." (Yes. I've done this.)

--Were you born on a holiday? Mention that. 

---Ever met a celebrity? That's a Fun Fact. (I (very briefly) met Andrew Garfield!)

---Obsessed with a certain drink? Be like "I love Diet Coke and need it to stay friendly." But insert your drink of choice there. Unless you also are obsessed with Diet Coke.

---That also works if you're obsessed with a certain store. Say, "I've spent thousands of dollars at Target." Or if you're more girly, insert Sephora. 

---I once used that I do not like seafood. This shocked so many people. So if you don't like a food that everyone generally adores, use it!

And there you have it! Fun Fact Ideas. I apologize in advance if you're forced to do this but people just insist that others will enjoy these games so they'll always be around. Embrace is as best you can. 


  1. Creative blog post! This is definitely useful for this time of year when it is back to school time!

  2. This is such a great post. I absolutely hate talking to people. I'm just more of a homebody and don't like going out much. I'll have to keep these in mind, especially around school time.

  3. These are great ideas. My husband can use these at his troop mettings.

  4. Ice breakers are fun until it's my turn! I hate being put on the spot!

  5. It is good to be prepared, especially if ice breakers give you anxiety. It is tough enough starting school or becoming part of a new group, so every little bit helps to ease the transition.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your take on Ice Breaker games cracked me up! I totally get the struggle, but your Fun Fact ideas are gold! Love how you turned something dreaded into a fun and relatable read. Keep sharing your humor and wit! 🤣🙌🎉

  8. I'm so with you guys. I hate ice breaker games too. Your tips to help people come up with something to say will certainly come in very helpful and prevent blank minds.

  9. These are great lines to keep in mind during ice breakers, it's also good to just have many prepped in case all thoughts exit your brain when all of the attention goes to you- it doesn't happen to me but I've been told by shy people that this is what it feels like.

  10. I really love your ideas! I really enjoy playing ice breakers thanks for sharing this with us

  11. I’m surely gonna keep these in mind! Such a really great ideas you have here thanks!

  12. These are awesome ideas that can help a lot in a situation like that! Thanks for these suggestions!

  13. We've never played ice breaker games in school but I think my son did. You have some great ideas on fun facts to share. :) -LYNNDEE

  14. I absolutely hate ice breakers too and it does seem cruel for those that are shy and not comfortable at the beginning of a new year. Seems like you should,d allow people to get to know each other a little more naturally.

  15. I am with you. Ice breakers are never fun because you typically don’t know what to say. Don’t forget the business elevator spill too. Ugh

  16. This is something that I do disaprove of ice breaker. It is so difficult to say something.Can be uncomfortable at first. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  17. such a great idea for a post and so many cool tips within it for using as fun facts.. and i am going to use these for sure..

  18. I couldn't agree with you more on my abhorrence for ice breakers! I may have had amazing thoughts in my head, but the moment they ask me for one I completely blank. Thanks for these ideas!

  19. I hate ice breakers, my mind goes completely blank! These ideas are going to help us all out as we go back to school and clubs

  20. Ice breakers can sure be hard. I'm glad you came up with some ideas here. These will really come in handy.

  21. I am with you 1000% about the need to get rid of ice breakers.... let the kids get comfy with their class on their own time. Seriously.....

  22. Thanks so much for these Fun Fact ideas—I’m definitely keeping them in my back pocket for the inevitable Ice Breaker games.

  23. Ice breaker ideas are so cute, I will definitely keeping these in my purse when I have to give a speach.


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