Monday, October 2, 2023

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

HEY, IT'S OKAY.... think it's amusing that people are freaking out that Taylor Swift is at football games. I personally do not care who shows up, football will always be a yawn to me. hope Natalie has fun at Homecoming this weekend. Her boyfriend isn't able to go because her school always sells out of tickets since they have it in the cafeteria and are only allowed so many people due to a fire code. But she's going with friends so she'll still have an amazing time. have recently finished Sarah Pekkanen's latest book Gone Tonight. It's about Catherine and Ruth who are mother and daughter. Ruth had Catherine at a young age and claims her family kicked her out for being a teen mom. Or did that really happen? Catherine begins to realize her mother isn't who she says she is--or where she claims she is from so she starts searching for answers--which might be a gigantic mistake. This book will keep you guessing! I've always liked Sarah's books. have tried the Pumpkin Spice frosty from Wendy's because I heard mixed reviews. Some people said it was beyond gross and others liked it. Me? I enjoyed the flavor. It had a more intense pumpkin spice taste so if you prefer the sweeter kind like the Starbucks pumpkin spice frapp, you might not be a fan. 

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  1. Yes it is ok not to be too hard on yourself. It is also ok not to be perfect.

  2. I think it's hilarious that people interested in football now just because Taylor Swift went to a couple of games!

  3. Hey its ok to just be the best you possible
    I know nothing about any type of football

  4. The pumpkin spice frosty sounds awesome. I like that they have new frosty flavors.

  5. I have heard mixed things about that frosty as well. I'm not a big pumpkin spice fan, so I'm not sure if I'll try it or not.

  6. Taylor Swift has a fan in me. She's a great singer and a wonderful person. And it's okay that she has been going to ball games, lol.

  7. I’m really not into football but I do love Taylor Swift. I really enjoy reading this

  8. I really love football, though it’s hilarious to think that people are now interested about football because of Taylor Swift lol

  9. Now I am intrigued about the Gone Tonight book! I like this kind of stories!

  10. It's okay to love this idea, and I do!

  11. Hope Natalie has a good time with friends and I'll check out this book Gone tonight. The pumpkin spice frosty sounds good as well!

  12. That pumpkin spice frosty has been on my mind as well! After reading this blog, I want to try!

  13. Hey there! First off, I love the idea of a "Hey, It's Okay" series - it's a great way to embrace and share our daily quirks and preferences without judgement


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