Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Holiday Snacks You Should Try

I always love when the holidays come around because all these tasty snacks appear on store shelves. Right now the theme seems to be Elf movie products because it's the 20th anniversary. There are so many different Elf goodies. I'd love to try them all but they add up in price so sadly, I cannot. Dang inflation. But I can admire them in the stores.

For example, check out these Keebler gingerbread Elf cookies:

There were also Elf candy canes:

And Elf syrup, which I think is just the regular syrup but with the Elf wrap. Behind that is an Elf pancake mix:

There's also these Elf candies. All of these are perfect for an Elf movie night:

This chocolate peppermint bark from Tate's looked delish:

I always get these Milano cookies. Pepperidge Farm always has a scrumptious holiday line of cookies:

Pepperidge Farm even has, yup, Elf cookies and yes, I have tried these and they are good:

These Hot Cocoa Oreos have a nice flavor. They aren't my favorite, but my daughter loves them. I prefer the Pumpkin Spice ones:

Little Debbie snacks are a must. We always get the Christmas Tree Cakes, the gingerbread men, and the holiday brownies. But did you know there's also ice cream? The Christmas Tree Cake one is fantastic:

Know any mac and cheese fans? I found these gummies at Target. A perfect stocking stuffer:

I always get these Krabby Patty sticks for my children's stockings:

Finally, I look forward to these white fudge covered Oreos every year. They are amazing. 

Have you tried any of these yet?


  1. I could sit and eat boxes of Goldfish all day long!! But then Oreos would be a very close second place.

  2. The goldfish cookies I think are the ones I would like the most. it does not feel like elf should be 20 years old. Where did the time go?

  3. I love the Milano Mint Chocolates! I will have to fill up my cart for the season.

  4. I love the Christmas Tree Cake ice creams!! There's a chocolate variety too but it's mediocre, IMO. The crunchy sugar crystals in the vanilla version are replaced with sprinkles so the texture is different. Also I'm just not a fan of chocolate ice cream in general.

  5. These will be great for my kids Christmas Baskets. So many great food choices they will love.

  6. I am so trying it all with the exception of the Kraft Mac & Cheese gummies. I just can't... but I so need that Elf syrup! Adorable!

  7. I am definitely going to invest in some cookie bark and milano cookies!

  8. It's always so exciting to see the array of holiday snacks available during this time of year! The Elf-themed products for the movie's anniversary are such a fun touch!

  9. Cookie bark sounds so good! I've never heard of it before. Yum!

  10. You found a really awesome selection of Christmas snacks. We'd love the Milano cookies. Not tried those before. They must be really yummy!

  11. The Elf-themed goodies are so cute, especially those gingerbread Elf cookies and the candy canes – perfect for an Elf movie night indeed!

  12. These snacks would be a great addition to my son's snack collection. Thanks for sharing

  13. So many sugar goodies, one each once in a while won't hurt! :D I used to eat the goldfish ones with my kids when they were younger...and oreos are their favorite until now.

  14. we love milano cookies too and that mac and cheese gummy candy does intrigue


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