Sunday, November 30, 2014

Alvin and the Chipmunks: It's Show Time and A Treasury of Christmas Classics Book Reviews!

**I was sent copies of the books in exchange for a review. My opinions are my own**


I love them. I'm hoping my kids will love them too. I am always happy to review books.

I was sent these from Running Press:

Natalie LOVES Alvin and the Chipmunks. This book has them singing when you press the buttons.

There's also a story, of course:

We also received A Treasury of Christmas Classics. It's an easy-to-read book for kids:

I LOVE the illustrations:

The book has the following Christmas stories: The Night Before Christmas, The Twelve Days of Christmas, and The Nutcracker.

To learn more about these books and find others, check out Running Press. They have a lot of fantastic books out. I was intrigued by the one titled Tequila Mockingbird.

You can buy A Treasury of Christmas Classics here!

You can buy Alvin and the Chipmunks: It's Show Time! here.

If you have a book lover in your life, these would make fantastic Christmas gifts. Natalie has been carrying her Alvin and the Chipmunk book everywhere.

To learn more about Running Press, you can FOLLOW them on Twitter and LIKE their Facebook page.

Elements For Girls: A Fun & Engaging Self Discovery Project Review **Christmas Idea**

**I was given a copy of the book to review. My opinions are my own.**

My Natalie is a bit of a spitfire.

This is a polite way of saying that she's loud.

I have a feeling she's going to get louder as she ages. So I'm glad I was given a copy of Elements For Girls: A Fun & Engaging Self Discovery Project.

It's a book filled with affirmations and ways that a girl can calm herself down and understand her feelings. Natalie is going to need this. I know it.

I especially enjoyed this page:

Natalie has many strong emotions.

I also liked how this book came with bracelets to make. The beads represent the theme of each chapter in the book. There are also spots where journal entries can be written.

This book will be helpful as Natalie grows. To learn more about Elements For Girls: A Fun & Engaging Self Discovery Project, you can check out their website here.

If you'd like to buy your own copy, you can buy it from Amazon here. This could be a Christmas idea for your own spitfire. You can also use the code HOLIDAY30 to take 30% off your book purchase.

You can LIKE the Facebook page here.

Friday, November 28, 2014

5 Reasons Why I Love Parenthood

Parenthood is back! It airs Thursday nights at 9 or 10, depending on where you live. I absolutely LOVE this show. If you aren't watching, you should.

Sadly, this will be the last season, so you have time to binge watch and catch up!

Here are 5 reasons why I LOVE Parenthood (I could list so many more reasons, but I've been reading that people online want their blog posts brief and to the point. So I try my best, people.)

1. It's honest. It's not all rainbows and butterflies and Taylor Swift.

2. It's hilarious and has some amusing lines.

3. Lorelei Gilmore is in it. You guys know I love Gilmore Girls. Lauren Graham is fabulous at everything. (And this will so be me shouting at my kids in high school. Embarrassing them. Always.)

4. The Braverman's are a big family. I love this, because I'm an only child. I always wished that I had siblings. This show gives me a taste on what that would be like.

5. It depicts what it's like to have Aspergers honestly. My son has Aspergers, so I appreciate this. 

So do you watch Parenthood? 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

5 Things I'm Grateful For On Thanksgiving

Normally I'd do a Things That Annoy Me post. But since it's Thanksgiving, I felt it only appropriate that I do a Things That I'm Thankful For post.

1. My children, even though they are loud and hurt my ears at times.

2. My husband, even though he leaves the toilet seat up and I fall in when I wake up to pee at 2 AM because my bladder isn't what it used to be after having HIS children so maybe, maybe, he could possibly lower the seat?

3. Diet Coke, even though people whine that it's bad for me. I need it, guys.

4. Books, even though I'm running out of space for them. But I love the smell of a book.

5. Target, even though I don't understand how I can't get out of the store spending less than $50.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving today, Happy Thursday! If you are going shopping, don't get trampled!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To have laughed when Dean McDermont (Tori Spelling's husband) said that he was a great actor. What?!

--To be happy that my reserve of Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult was ready at the library. I'm loving it.

--To have been glad that I could try a bunch of Harvest Snaps flavors. Check out my review here. It's a healthy snack and doesn't taste like bark.

--To be glad other people didn't think I was crazy for my Things I Do When I Read Henry VIII Books post.

--To plan on stuffing my face on Thanksgiving. I love turkey! And mashed potatoes.

--To have already shopped the Black Friday sale at Kohls. It's already up on their website.

--To have finally finished season 2 of Orange Is The New Black. I liked it. I also picked up Orange Is The New Black from the library. The book, I mean.

--To have a giveaway for The Three Dogateers DVD here. It's a fun holiday film for the family!

--To be so happy he's home!

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, November 24, 2014

Things I Won't Be Doing On Thanksgiving

Are you guys ready for Thanksgiving?

I am!

Here are things I won't be doing on that day.

I won't be.... using fine china.

We'll probably be eating off these paper plates that I found for 70% off at Target two years ago.

I'm always amazed when people post their table photos. How do they keep their china together? How do they decorate so well? I am awful at decorating. How is their table not covered with toys and weird stains?

I won't be...watching what I eat.

I'm always baffled when I see all these articles on how awful it is to pig out on Thanksgiving. Experts are all, "You can consume over 2000 calories on Thanksgiving if you aren't careful." I'm like, "Calories don't count on Thanksgiving." I load up my plate with food. I put on my fat pants like Joey on Friends. I pig out. I don't feel guilty. It's a holiday. So pass me another slice of pie, thanks.

I won't be...doing crafts with the kids.

I'm amazed at the people who can cook and do crafts with their kids. I send my kids out of the kitchen and hand them the iPad. Sometimes I'll toss over Play-Doh. Hence why weird stains appear on the table.

I won't be....making turkey.

We're going to a friend's house. She's making the turkey. She also makes fabulous mashed potatoes. We're bringing the green bean casserole and stuffing. And the turkey plates pictured.

I won't be...making anything fancy.

I mean, see above. I follow the recipe for the green bean casserole on the back of the French's fried onions container. The stuffing comes from a box. I don't "do" fancy. I like to eat fancy, but I will not make it because it usually requires more than 4 steps, and I'm not a fan of things that are more than 4 steps.

I won't be....missing this guy.

Because yup, he will be home! He gets to spend the holidays with us, and then he has to go again. I'm incredibly grateful we have him for the holidays as I know some people aren't as lucky.

So what are some things you won't be doing on Thanksgiving?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Looking For A Healthy Snack? Try Harvest Snaps!

This post was created in partnership with Harvest Snaps. I have been compensated for this post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

You guys know that I love my junk food. But sometimes my pants start to feel tight and I have to watch it. I'm always on the lookout for healthier snacks when this happens.

Cue Harvest Snaps

I was sent a box with all sorts of flavors. I was eager to dig in. The Caesar flavor was my favorite. My daughter loves sugar snap peas so she wanted to try the Lightly Salted Snapea Crisps.

Natalie approved! So did Mario and Luigi. She turned one into a mustache so she could fit in:

I also liked the Tomato Basil flavor. I love all things tomato:

The good news about Harvest Snaps? They're Gluten Free. This is a huge thing because my mother-in-law is gluten free and she's always on the look out for things she's allowed to eat. They are also baked, not fried, and are high in fiber and protein. They are also low in sodium and fat, so your pants will still close.

So if you're looking for a healthier snack or a Lunchspiration, remember Harvest Snaps! You can buy them in most retailers such as Target and Walmart.

You can also FOLLOW Harvest Snaps on Twitter and LIKE their Facebook page to learn more.

Also, check out this hilarious webisode featuring Harvest Snaps. I want to wear a gigantic green ball on my head now:

Friday, November 21, 2014

7 Things I Do When I Read Books About Henry VIII

**This post contains Amazon affiliate links which costs nothing to you if you click, but might allow me to buy another book. Thank you.**

I recently finished The King's Curse by Philippa Gregory.

I love any book that has to do with Henry VIII. Philippa has written MANY books about Henry VIII. (Maybe you've heard of the one called The Other Boleyn Girl?)

When I read books about Henry VIII, my family knows it.


Because I tend to say and do the following:

1. I tell Tom that I get to pick where we eat because I gave him a son and heir. As in, "You want Mexican. I want Italian. But you see, I did do my duty by giving you a son and heir..." (Once Tom said, "An heir to what? We have like $7 in savings.")

2. I ask the kids to kneel for my blessing as they did in Henry VIII's time. It was important to be obedient back then. The children would kneel and would say "lady mother." I asked my kids to call me lady mother and they had the nerve to look at me as though I'm crazy.

3. I wear my Anne Boleyn costume around the house.

4. I call Tom "Sire." You'd think he'd like it but he's all, "Knock it off."

5. I tell the kids stories about Henry VIII. "When he got fat, he smelled. They didn't bathe often back then. So he was fat, he had that wound on his leg that was infected and that smelled too. Can you imagine the smells back then?" Natalie's all, "I don't like this story."

6. I'll say, "Gosh, if I lived in Henry VIII's time, I'd be beheaded. I have a mouth on me." Tom is like, "I'm well aware."

7. I randomly curtsy. Even if I'm in pants. Tom is like, "Stop reading and watching Henry VIII stuff. You get even weirder."

Does history intrigue you too?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Stuff Keeps Happening!

Natalie recently had lice. It was not fun.

And then she woke up with a swollen eye:

This child.

Something always seems to go wrong. Remember when she got the hole in her head?

Some people thought it might be an allergic reaction so I ran out and got some Benadryl. I thought it might be Pink Eye, but I didn't see any pink. I also picked up eye drops.

Natalie took the Benadryl without any issues.

The eye drops? She freaked.

She was like Rachel in Friends. Remember when she jumped whenever it was time for the puff of air to go into her eye during an exam?

Natalie did that with the drop. She'd lie there and as soon as the drop came near, she'd leap away.

"I WASN'T READY YET!" she'd shout at me.

Okay, well, the fact that you were stretched out and telling me to "do it now" made me think you were ready. I apologize.

Needless to say, I don't think many drops ended up in her eye.

I'm glad to report that her eye looks much better now. But seriously? Please no more injuries, lice, or eye issues.

I could do without the whining too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To have been grossed out by the naked Kim Kardashian photos because she looked incredibly sticky.

--To hope I didn't offend anyone with my Single Parents Have My Utmost Respect post. I got a comment saying that the post could come across as offensive. I truly didn't mean it that way. I did receive 3 e-mails from single parents thanking me for the post at least and positive comments, so I'm glad most people understood what I meant.

--To have taken Tommy out on a date when Natalie was at Kids Night Out. We went to Chili's. You can see photos on my Instagram account.

--To hate when people use their car horn to say hello to others. It always makes me jump. I am a jumpy person, you see.

--To not be looking forward to dragging out all the Christmas stuff next week. I love it, don't get me wrong, but my garage scares me. I really should organize.

--To LOVE the signature hot chocolate from Panera Bread. Try it. You won't be disappointed. It's better than the Starbucks hot chocolate.

--To have not been thrilled with the snow we got on Sunday. Natalie was very excited though. On Monday, school was canceled because Oklahoma doesn't know how to deal with snow or ice. The people are like, "What is this stuff?" They go into a muppet Beaker-like panic. So we got a snow day.

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, November 17, 2014

My Dos and Don'ts of Deployment

Tom is currently at deployment training. He'll come back for a bit and then deploy. We've said goodbye many times and I've realized that I might do things a little differently. Here are the Dos and Don't that happens when Tom deploys.

--I DON'T iron any of his stuff.

Some spouses apparently take care of uniforms and such. I never did. I've never ironed a day in my life. In fact, when Natalie got an iron as a birthday gift, she thought it was a bed for her baby.

--I DO slip tiny love notes in all his bags.

When they deploy, they bring lots of bags. I try to slip a note in each bag. Mind you, Tom doesn't always find these notes. Sometimes they do get lost. But the ones he does find, he enjoys.

--I DON'T pack his stuff.

Spouses have said they pack for their soldiers and I'm like ???? Did they lose their hands? Tom has always packed his own things. He actually folds his clothes better than I do. I sort of shove my items in my suitcase. Meanwhile, Tom folds neatly so if I did it, he'd be all, "Did a CHILD pack for me?"

--I DO buy some things on his list.

Tom usually just buys new packs of underwear and socks. It's easier to pack and then if he needs to, he can just toss them all out before he returns home. The item I get confused on is deodorant. He asks for Old Spice, but there are like a billion Old Spice products on the shelf. I understand how men feel when we ask them to bring us home Tampons.

--I DON'T like sending those creative care packages.

I tried to do some, just to surprise Tom. He knows I hate to craft and it was a bit of a shock for him to open a box and see...a theme? But I was not a fan of doing them. I just wanted to toss everything in the box, tape it, and mail it. When he goes this time, there won't be any creative care packages. I might tape pictures on the flap or a love note. Or a funny photo of Stewie from Family Guy. But that's about it. This is my extent of being crafty: cutting out arms so my kid could wear a bag:

--I DO try to look nice when he comes home

Nothing terribly fancy. I mean, I need to be comfortable. If I showed up in a tight dress, I'd look constipated, because if I can't breathe properly, I'm not happy. I also dye my gray hair. Yes, I have them and most of the time I just let my roots grow because I'm not in the mood to sit for two hours to get rid of them. But for a reunion? I'll do it.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Coming Home by Greg Ruth Book Review

I love when I get books like these. I won a giveaway over at Julie's blog, Soldier's Life, Crazy Life.

The book especially hit home because my husband will be deploying soon.

Coming Home by Greg Ruth is an incredibly fast read but it says so much. The flap of the book describes it better than I ever could:

Natalie enjoyed flipping through the pages and reading the brief words. You really didn't need a lot of words with this book. You know the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words?" This book is an example of that.

The illustrations are fantastic. Natalie was like, "I remember being so excited to see my Daddy again!"

You can buy Coming Home on Amazon here. It would make a fantastic Christmas gift or a gift for a child going through a deployment.

You can follow Greg Ruth on Twitter here.

I have a feeling we'll be going through this book many times when Tom is deployed. Thank you so much for having a giveaway, Julie!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Single Parents Have My Utmost Respect

"And there are new downloads for Mario Kart, and I can't wait to get them, they seem so, so cool!" Tommy

"I just don't understand why Stampy Cat won't come to my world!" Natalie

Picture the above. Both said at once to me. I didn't know who to look at. Who to focus on. The first one who spoke? But really, they both started at the same time. The oldest? But then that wouldn't be fair to Natalie.

"There should be a Link. I like Link. Did you play Zelda when you were a kid?" Tommy

"One of my sheep died. I'm going to make him a dead sign." Natalie

Again. Said at the same time.

It's tough parenting alone when Tom is gone. They only come to me with stuff.

Another thing that can be difficult to balance? Making pancakes. It sound silly, I know, but Tom usually makes the pancakes and I usually deal with the sausage and the bacon. Now I have to do it on my own. I was busy messing with the bacon and Natalie was like, "Neat! The pancakes have SMOKE!"

Bedtime can be fun. Tom usually carries Natalie upstairs on his shoulders. I can't do that. I've tried. I fall over. Every night since Tom left, Natalie is like, "I miss my Daddy playing horsie with me." (That's what she calls riding on his shoulders.) She tells me, "You just pick me up and set me in the bathroom. It's just not as fun."

"I'll try the soup you're going to make, but I might gag." Tommy

"Watch me do a cartwheel with one hand! I can do it!" Natalie

Same time.

"You're not looking at me!" Natalie

"If I gag and then throw up, I'll try to do it in the toilet." Tommy

Then there's the fighting. It's usually over the iPad mini. We only have one. Tommy has an iPod Touch, but he wants to play Minecraft on the iPad Mini. So does Natalie. So it's arguing.

"You've been on enough! My turn." Tommy

"I just got on! Go away." Natalie

"MOM!" Tommy

"MOM!" Natalie

Sometimes it's just because Natalie has gotten too close to Tommy.

"Move over. I can smell you." Tommy

"I smell like cherries. I put on cherry lip gloss." Natalie

"Get away." Tommy

"MOM! Tommy is being ruuuu-dddee." Natalie

To which I say, "Guys? Stop acting like Congress. Stop fighting over ridiculous things. Work together. Make our country a better one."

"What's a Congress?" Natalie

Sometimes I overstuff the trash, and I can't lift it in the bin. Tom has the biceps. I have the proof that I have no self-control when it comes to sweets in my arms. So I grunt and I grunt and sometimes I manage to get it in, other times I have to drag it by the trash can which I imagine is annoying to the trash people.

"How old were you when you got your Nintendo 64? I know you told me, but I forgot." Tommy

"Can you play Barbies with me?" Natalie

Same time.

I think, this is hard, but it's temporary. Single parents do it all themselves. I remind myself of this when I worry I won't be able to do it. I think, they do it, they do it all the time, every day. If they can do it, I can do it.

"I think I feel a mustache forming. It's not just peach fuzz. It's something." Tommy

"Can we get a puppy? I'll take care of it! I'll name it Princess!" Natalie

Same time.

Deep breaths.

If they can do it, I can do it.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Christmas Already?!

I'm sorry, but it's too early for this in stores. This is the base commissary. All the other stores I frequent are also decked out for Christmas.

I can't get on board with Christmas before Thanksgiving. I just can't.

I should not already be hearing Christmas carols in stores. I like them, but by the time December rolls around, I'm going to be completely irritated by them.

I wish stores would be like, "You know what? We're going to wait until after Thanksgiving," but they claim that early Christmas crap is what the CUSTOMER wants. Really, they just want more money.

I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but I cannot get excited about it until after I've had my giant turkey dinner. Then I'm like, "It's time," and I go into the garage and pull out the tree. I'm usually attacked by various boxes as I do this, because our garage is a very scary place indeed.

I feel like some of the Christmas spirit is lost because it starts so soon. I'm not as excited to see decorations because they've been up since November. It stinks.

I know some people love starting Christmas early and I'm happy for them.

But for me?

I'll be excited for Christmas AFTER Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To appreciate all the soldiers out there who have fought for their country. You are not forgotten. I wish the government would always make sure our veterans were safe and taken care of, because they deserve only the best.

--To not feel sorry for Teresa and Joe Guidice (from Real Housewives of New Jersey.) They were sentenced to go to jail for fraud, and they deserve it. I do feel for their kids.

--To be nearly done with Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. I recently finished Sharp Objects, which I liked. Dark Places is just as good.

--To have taken Tommy out on a date when Natalie had a birthday sleepover last weekend. We went to Golden Corral. On Friday she's going to Kid's Night Out at her gymnastics and Tommy requested Chilis. I love being able to take my kids out one-on-one. I feel it's important.

--To be proud of Natalie for moving up in her gymnastics class. Her teacher said she does beautiful work on the bars, so she's been moved to Rec Gym 2. I was always terrified of the bars.

--To have to wait to see Big Hero 6 until Tom gets home from deployment training. It looks funny. We also want to see the new Penguins movie.

--To be happy that an Old Navy is opening up by the house. Yay! They have cute clothes.

--To still have a giveaway for an Orkin blanket here. Also, if you know someone who wants to learn how to keep their house tidy, check out my review on The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo here.

--To have introduced the kids to Beetlejuice:

They liked it. Natalie thought Beetlejuice was rude. Tommy thought Lydia was "very beautiful."

Airing My Dirty Laundry

Monday, November 10, 2014

Eating Lunch With My Daughter

"Today was library day and I got a chapter book. I'm already on chapter 8," Natalie's friend told me proudly.

I looked at Natalie, who was weirdly sticking a piece of lettuce from her sandwich against her nose. "What book did you get, sweetie?" I asked.

"A picture book about cats! I like the orange ones because they're like OUR cat," Natalie answered, nibbling on the lettuce that refused to stay on her nose.

I sighed inwardly. I wished Natalie would read chapter books. But she's...she's...what in the world was she doing with the mayonnaise on her sandwich?

"Natalie, it's not nail polish, let's stop," I suggested.

I was having lunch with Natalie. And Natalie always has to include her friends too. I was busy learning about the second grade gossip: apparently someone had burped that morning.

"Mommy," Natalie said, digging through her Subway bag. I brought her a Kid's Meal. "Mommy, you forgot my apples. Why did you get me this cookie?"

Oops. When the Subway worker asked what side I wanted, I said a cookie, because I love cookies, and I assume the people that came from my body love them too. But I always forget Natalie isn't a fan of cookies. She loves apples. Sometimes I worry she's going to turn into a giant apple.

"I'm sorry. But I got you a sugar cookie. It's delicious." With my own meal, I picked the two cookies as my side. Gingerbread and chocolate chip. I had already polished off the gingerbread. I sort of had to. Natalie's friend kept staring at me as if she was hoping that I'd offer her a bite. But no way, she's not mine, I don't have to share.

Natalie held her cookie between two fingers as if it were beneath her. "I don't want this."

Her two friends practically fell out of their chairs.

"I'll take it!" they said in unison.

"The thing we should do," Natalie said diplomatically. "Is play a game. Close your eyes."

I was amazed her friends listened. At that age I'd have been like, "I'm not closing my eyes. I don't want your old cookie anyway."

Natalie broke pieces of her cookies and set them carefully in front of her friends.

"Open," Natalie said with a smile, and her friends did, whooping as they found their treats.

"Aren't you going to have any cookie?" I asked Natalie, because there was only a little left, and I had paid to feed my child, not others.

Natalie shook her head. "Close your eyes," Natalie said again, and she rewarded her friends with the rest of the cookie.

Okay. Fine.

As we ate, a lunch monitor said as she paced the rows of tables, "You're not filling my bucket."

"What bucket?" I asked. "I don't see a bucket."

"Oh, it's not a REAL bucket," Natalie's friend said matter-of-factly. "But if you bully someone, you make the bucket tip over. If you're nice, you fill it."

"What it it overfills?"

Natalie's friends blinked at me.

"A bucket?" I muttered to myself. "God, I'm old. We didn't deal with buckets when I was in school. It was like, 'hush your damn mouths' or, 'thanks for listening' when I was in school."

Eating with my daughter is always fun. I know there might come a time when she asks me not to show my face at school. But for now? Now she wants me to be with her, so I try to show up once every month.

Next time, I'll bring her apples.

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